Season 8 (Finale) Of Voltron

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Hey guys! So I just wanted to say that I am sorry this didn't come out earlier. My Wattpad was malfunctioning and I haven't been able to write since like around the last time I posted. But that's not what I am here to talk about. I am here to talk about The Season Finale Of Voltron Ledgendary Defenders. Let me start of with WOW. I honestly hated the first 4 maybe 5 episodes. Tbh I am overly disappointed with Voltrons finale but there was some good moments. Let me start off with the fact that most of this crap is backstory until that damn clear day if I remember correctly. Which don't get me wrong it was interesting to learn the more in-depth parts of our main villain in season 8 but "the life of Honerva" or how ever you spell her name is it really what I wanted for the majority of season 8. They also didn't really makeup for lance not really being a part of Voltron. If you don't know what I mean, let me explain. Everyone has a backstory or a reason to be there BUT lance. Keith wants to learn more about where he's friend and at the start HE HAD NOTHING TO EVEN GO BACK TOO ON EARTH. Shiro wants revenge because ya know, they stole his fucking arm and they are like taking over the galaxy. Pidge wants to find her bro bro and her dad. Hunk wants to get over his fears and learn about new foods/cultures.. ya know. And lance is just there. A placeholder. Dreamworks just gives the fans what the want. Lance could obviously be replaced by allura (not that I'm talkin shit bout my baby boi) but it's true! They don't give lance anything. In season one they sorta touched base that he has insecurities and is homesick but after that they just sorta made him..a puppet. A place holder. I mean half the damn fandom is here for Keith and lance so ya think dream works would the peaople pleasers they wanna be?! Speaking of Keith and Lance...Klance. It's fucking dies. And it's not even a easy death. There is multiple times where a klance moment happens in season 8 but the llura or whatever the ship name is kicks klance in the dick. So they can make our Space Daddy~ gay but not fucking Keith and lance?! Like wtf?!! Shiro being gay tho 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 Atleast dreamworks took some of our shit into consideration 😐😑😐🤬. Oh and some people like me were hoping for a epic fight scene between Keith And Lance. That never happens.🤬🤬🤬🤬 let me just say that I am infuriated that that didn't happen. Let's else annoyed me.. I'll talk more bout it later. I am beside on fanfics I promised you guys and I wanna release it all on Christmas. So I guess that will be the next Tim I post then is Christmas. Have a great winter break and I'll see you guys soon. Cíao for now my paladorks.

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