Chapter 3

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Adam's POV

Adam arrived home and dumped his keys and notebook on the kitchen table. He chose to follow Blake's advice and make an appointment with his doctor. He'll know what's up. Adam's doctor was super smart and very supportive, and he trusted him, almost with his life.

He pulled out his cell and dialed the number. After a few moments a cheery receptionist picked up, and he asked to make an appointment with Dr. Barnes.

"I can get you in tomorrow at 8:00 a.m."

"That works."

She paused, presumably to write it down.

"Okay, Mr. Levine, see you then."

"Thanks." With that he hung up.

He decided to go examine himself in the mirror. He hated doing it, knowing what he would see, but he forced himself to do it anyway.

He stood, looking straight-on at his reflection in the full-length mirror. He was pale, and his face was thinner. Heck, everything was thinner. He had lost some muscle tone, maybe from not working out, maybe from whatever the hell was wrong with him. He was able to slide his hands all the way around the inside of the waistband of his jeans, even with the belt on. He was angry and baffled, wanting to know what was wrong. Maybe it was more serious than he had originally thought.

One more night, he just had to get through one more night of feeling this way.


Adam awoke at 7:00, but didn't get out of bed until 7:30. He took a quick shower, combed through his hair, and headed out.

He arrived at Dr. Barnes' office at 7:55. He was rarely early. He gave his name to the receptionist, then took a seat. He was the only one in the waiting room. Or so he thought. At second glance he saw a mother and child at the other end of the room. The mother was watching as the little boy played with the various toys the office had laid out. Adam cringed when he saw the kid put one in his mouth, to which the mother was completely oblivious to because she had now begun digging around in her purse for something. She pulled out her phone, and began typing away. The kid still chewed on the toy truck. Maybe this was why so many people got sick so often-everything could make you sick. It hurt Adam even more to think that the kid was here for a reason, probably sick himself, so not only was he picking up other's germs, he was leaving his own.

Thankfully, a nurse appeared at the door and called his name, breaking Adam out of his gaze. He turned and got up, then smiled when he saw Dr. Barnes behind her.

They shook hands. "Nice to see you again, buddy. Well, you know what I mean." His doctor was tall and well-built, with glasses and a firm handshake. He might have intimidated some people, but Adam knew better. He was one of the best doctors around, and a good friend to Adam.

"Right this way, sir." The nurse led him to a clean, freshly painted room, where she took his temperature and blood pressure. Both were normal. She didn't even ask about his symptoms, but left the room and was replaced by Dr. Barnes.

Adam looked at him, confused, and the doctor replied, "We're not busy today, so I've got more time to talk to the patients myself." Adam was fine with that. He would feel better telling his problem to this man than to anyone else.

"So what brings you here today? You know I don't see much of you often, you're one of a few of my patients who never gets sick."

"First time for everything," Adam said with a smile. But then his expression turned serious, and he decided to just jump right in and confess how he was feeling.

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