Am i dreaming? (Justin Bieber Imagine)

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*Y'n's pov*

"y/n? Are you almost ready, we are leaving in five!" Justin yelled from downstairs. "Yeah yeah stop complaining" I yelled back. I looked back at myself in the mirror one less time to check everything was alright, make up, dress and hair. (outfit under external link) "Y/N ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?" I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs. "Finally" I rolled my eyes at him and walked out of the door to the limousine. You see our relationship was no longer as it used to be.. I really don't know what happend because i still love Justin, how could i not? He was my first love. But lately he's been coming home very late and when he is finally home he doesn't talk to me he just goes straight to bed. It hurts knowing that our relationship is not the same anymore. And the worst thing? I can't do anything about it really. I try so hard to be with him and support him in everything he does put he's just pushing me away with every step i make. I hate it. "y/n? Are you there?" Justin said while snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Eh yeah, yeah sorry" I mumbled. He gave me a confused look and sat next to me in the backseat, right now we are going to the première of Believe the movie. I'm really excited for the movie but i'm a little scared also. Scared thinking he's just going to leave me standing there while he is celebrating with his friends. "Are we there already" Justin mumbled while rolling his eyes. "We're here Mr. Bieber" The driver replied friendly with a smile on his face that made me smile.  "Well it was about goddamn time" Justin snapped back. "Why do you always need to be so rude Justin?" I asked pissed off. Justin grabbed my face and spoke softly "Mind your own damn bussines women" He let go of my face and got out the limo. I sighed and tried to control myself from crying. "Are you okay Mrs?" I smiled and looked up at him "Yeah sure Josh, thanks for drinving"  He nodded his head and smiled. I got out of the car and the fans started screaming. "Y/N I LOVE YOU" "Y/N CAN I HAVE A PICTURE WITH YOU?" I smiled and greeted a few fans. "HEY BABYGIRL" I smiled knowing it was her. I turned around and hugged her as fast as i could. "Ariana i missed you so much!" I almost yelled while still hugging her. "I missed you to y/n how are you d-" "Y/N WHERE THE SINGLE FUCK ARE YOU" I sighed once again. Justin. Before i knew it i was  dragged away from Ari, my best friend for 5years. "Justin stop you are hurting me!" I yelled out of pain. "Honestly i couln't care a fuck less" 

*Few hours later*

"Thanks to all my beautifull Beliebers out here i couln't do this without you guys and i hope you enjoy the movie. Also thanks to my manager, my mom, dad, sister, brother and my friends for always being there for me when i need it i love you guys. Peace!" Justin spoke proudly. 

Of course he din't mentioned me. I am nothing to him. And sadly enough, he is everyhting to me. I wish i could just turn back time, I wish i never bumped into him & never fell in love with him. But you can't turn back time. sadly enough. 

*Back home*

"I'm going to take a bath" I said almost whispering.

"Whatever" he said while taking off his jacket and turning the tv on.

Once again i felt my heart breaking. But it's okay i'm used to that. You light think 'why don't you break up with him?' But i really can't. I have nowhere to go to be honest. My mom doesn't want to see me and i never knew my dad. And i love Justin. I wish i could just stop caring, loving.

*Justin's pov*

I watched her walking up the stairs. And grabbed my phone. 


"Hey Ryan"

"Oh hey Justin sow are you doing?"

"Nervous" I laughed 

He laughed

"Everything is going to be alright i promise"

"What if she says no?"

"Justin, are you blind? This girl loves you."

"Yeah well i think she hates me right now i've been a douche this past week i can't stand i anymore. That's not me Ryan"

"I know Justin, just imagine how suprised she's going to be"

"Ryan i'm going to hang i think she's coming"

"Okay talk to you later bud, you'll do great"

I smiled and hug up the phone.

"Y/N, i need you to go outsite with me"

She gave me a confused look.

Oh how i love this girl.

"Eh okay" She replied softly.

"Eyes closed" She closed her eyes and i grabbed her hand.

I lead her to the garden. 

"Open your eyes princess" He spoke softly.

*Y/n's pov*

"Open your eyes princess" 'princess' where did that come from? But one thing i know. I love it.

I opened my eyes and couln't believe what i saw.

'Y/n, will you marry me?' painted on a large white cloth that was tied to two trees.

A few tears escaped my eyes as i turned my head towards Justin and saw him sitting on one knee. Am i dreaming?

"Y/n, i love you so much. Like no kidding i would do anything for you. Will you please marry me and be my Mrs Bieber?" 

"Yes Justin."



So my other imagines where deleted by wattpad. And i don't even know how or why so yeah that's pretty fucked up. I will do ALOT of new imagines if i get reads ofcourse so yeah i hope you enjoy! & requests are open my lovesss 

Justin Bieber, Chaz Somers, Ryan Butler and Christian Beadles imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now