Just Enough

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Eun Ho's POV

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted in excitement.

My day at school had been great as we did some art and craft in class today. As I entered the living room, I saw my dad holding my grandmother in his arms. My eyes widened in shock as I saw her bawling her eyes out. My mother was no different. She was in a mess. My brother was nowhere to be seen. 

"Mom? Dad?"  I whispered, not ready for the unsaid news.

"Eun Ho ah," As soon as she mentioned my name, my mother started bawling again. 

Then came in my brother, holding a tray of water. 

"Eun Ho..." He trailed off. 

I came closer to them and dropped my bag beside the couch.

"Oppa, why are they crying?" My little self asked my big brother.

"Come here," He motioned me to come closer. 

As I got closer, he gave me a tight hug. 

"Oppa..." I started to get teary. 

"Wae? (Why)" I sobbed onto his shirt.

"Y-Your grandfather," My grandmother mumbled, trying not to break down.

"He was shot," My father said. 

I gasped for air and chocked as I continued sobbing. It's back. Those nightmares. Those memories. Oh sweet, old memories. How my old man passed away, without much notice. 

No one knew what happened to him. However, we all knew that he was shot at 4 am in the morning while taking a stroll. 

Tears continued streaming down my face as I clutched onto the bed sheet which had crumped beneath me. His face flashed in my eyes. I cried harder remembering how happy and bubbly he looked when he came over to our house for dinner. After that week, he left without saying goodbye. 

I tried to compose myself, trying to not make as much noise as everyone would probably be sleeping. I switched on my phone and looked at the timing. It was only 4 am in the morning. 

I swung my legs over the bed and tied my hair into a messy bun. I got out of bed and made my way out of the room, as quietly as possible. I hope that the guys wouldn't mind me rummaging through their fridge for water. Knowing that Soohyun was staying over too, I crept down the stairs slowly like a sloth. 

As I reached the kitchen, the lights were unexpectedly switched on. I looked around for anyone but realised that no one was there. Maybe the guys forgot to switch it off. I shrugged the thought off and focused on finding a drink for myself. Moving as slow as possible, I crouched down and reached for the orange juice slowly so that my stitch won't end up coming off again. 

I got back up and smiled triumphantly. I turned around to grab a glass before enjoying my orange juice. 

"Holy mother of cheesecakes!" I whispered in surprise, loud enough for the grey head to turn his attention towards me. 

"What are you doing?" I whispered as I approached him, my heart still thumping like I just ran a mile. 

He turned around and met my gaze while holding two glasses, one in each hand. 

"You're not going to drink that alone are you?" His eyebrow lifted in amusement. 

I blushed in embarrassment, realising that I just got caught stealing the orange juice. 

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