I rock back and forth on the flimsy mattress waiting for someone to come. I haven't told anyone what I have decided but the other humans have been either too tired or just plain uninterested, no one has bothered to ask.
I suppose they think I've chosen to remain a slave. The vast majority always do because even though a slave's future is bleak, they somehow stay alive much longer. It is common for fighters to die in the pits or if they are lucky enough to join the army and then die and the Plutonian's lovers somehow always disappear after a few years when there are others to replace them.
Which is why my decision today is rattling my mind and each second I spend wondering what is taking the officials so long is another second lost to insanity. I feel crazy.
A soft giggle escapes my lips and I look up from my toes. Thankfully no ones noticed. Everyone's in a daze of fatigue as they get ready for bed. Unlike them I am shaking with anxiety and all the hard labor I've done today has had no impact on me. This is the first time I actually feel alive.
A loud 'beep' sound erupts from the large titanium door that keeps us locked in here and I nearly jump out of bed. It slides to the side and two Plutonian's saunter in casually. One of them holds a clipboard in her hands and she clears her throat loudly.
The room is so silent, when she speaks her voice carries through the air and bounces off the walls, you would think she was using a speaker phone.
"7203, 7313 and 6906," She pauses and looks up at all of us, her cold blue eyes like lasers analyzing our every face until her eyes meet mine.
"You have five minutes to pack your belongings and your time starts now."
The slaves on the bunks near mine stare at me in shock as I get up and grab the few things I want to take. There isn't much, just two pairs of clothes that I wear to work, a comb, a toothbrush and my work shoes. They might not even be necessary anymore and I wish there was something of sentimental value that I had to treasure but when I woke up here the first time, I had been stripped of everything.
I make my way to the entrance with my belongings in hand and try not to notice the blatant looks of pity and disappointment thrown my way. I walk past Mira and she looks away unable to meet my eyes, she shakes her head slightly and I ignore it as I swallow all the worries forming a lump in my throat.
They must think I am suicidal but I am not. I have a plan and I will escape or die trying.
I am not surprised when I see Stela at the end of the room with her belongings in her hands. She looks rather annoyed when she sees me approaching and she shifts closer to the girl next to her. I then realize that the girl standing next to her is the girl who wished me happy birthday yesterday. She barely notices Stela's presence or mine as she stares at her feet looking deep in thought.
Once we have gathered we are immediately lead out by the two towering officers. I remain silent and begin to chew my bottom lip as we board a glider. I look back at the place I've slept in for the past eleven years and suddenly my chest constricts, like someone has squeezed it with their hand.
We pile into the back seat while the Plutonians sit in front. There is a barrier between us and I am unable to hear their discussion as we glide along a narrow pathway that takes us deeper into the city.
"Having second thoughts?" Stela chides from beside me and I seriously consider her words. I know there is no going back now and the idea both frightens and excites me.
The closer we get to the city, the brighter it gets. I hear Stela gasp softly and my mouth drops as well as we take in the brightly lit sky. Brightly colored lights litter the sealed dome above and rest against the clear ceiling, they merge with the sky giving it an ethereal glow.

Science Fiction[THIS STORY IS FREE WITH EXCLUSIVE BONUS CONTENT] A fake relationship, a diabolical plan and a threat to the human race. The only thing that ties them together is an eighteen year old girl's choice, that could change the course of everything. *** ...