Chapter 48

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Pink. Everything about this room is so pink and dainty. I've never seen so many shades of the same color and it feels like I am in an alternate reality as I sit here in Cassandra's room, watching her brush her already well styled hair. 

The weird feeling in my chest and stomach hasn't gone away since our mission yesterday so I called the only person I could think of after my morning lessons. Needless to say Cassandra was more than ecstatic to diagnose the problem. 

"So is this room yours? Does your commander stay here as well?" I look around at the dark pink drapes and wonder if the older man I met at Lazarus's dinner likes this color combination.

Cassandra laughs and she flips her long locks over her shoulder before walking over to join me at her bed. 

"He doesn't stay here of course. He's married to a Plutonian so they share a bed. Although I think it's safe to say he does spend most of his time here. His wife is usually away on missions."

"Oh, he's married," I say absent-mindedly. It makes sense for a guy his age to be married already. I suddenly think of Lucian and wonder what it would be like when he finally has to settle down.

Would he kick me out? Transfer me to another room like Cassandra?

Or would I be long gone by then?

"Are you okay with it? Is his wife nice to you?" I ask her while I think of Vera. If she became his wife, she would probably slit my throat the first chance she got. 

"We rarely meet for logical reasons. I get the feeling that she just tolerates me but I really don't know. I guess it's a part of life, right?" Her face falls and she looks down for a moment. 

I want to tell her that it definitely wasn't part of our lives before on Earth. My parents were content with one another, they never kept a mistress around in another room. This warped sense of reality irks me but I know that Cassandra's upbringing wasn't as happy as mine.

I remember her telling me that her mother was a drug addict and she never knew a functional relationship. So if this is a satisfactory arrangement for her, who am I to say otherwise. 

I gently hold her hands in mine and smile at her warmly. "Well I suppose all that matters is that you love each other."

She squeezes my hands and her eyes light up in happiness. "So true. Now tell me what is this feeling you've been having."

"I swear Cassandra. I don't know if it's a disease festering in my chest but my heart keeps on racing and hurting my rib cage in the process. Sometimes it's so bad I think I'm going to die." 

"Really? Anything else?" 

"Yes, there's this fluttery feeling in my stomach. Sometimes I lose my appetite because of it." I frown and rub my poor food derived belly. 

Oddly enough Cassandra's eyes narrow and then she smiles the most devilish smile I've seen on her. 

"Did this start after your matches?" 

"Yes, I think so," I say, the wheels turn slowly in my head, wondering what she is getting at. 

"Is it every time you are with Lucian or think of him?" Her green eyes are unrelenting as they study the discomfort on my face. 

"Umm, maybe." I answer without looking at her. It can't be that I like him. It has to be a heart problem. Maybe the after effects of all those hits to my side?

"Aria! I think you already know the answer to that. You're obviously in love with him!" She jumps up and immediately envelopes me in a hug. "Welcome to the club sister. You're one of us now."

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