Chapter 58

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Once the time for refreshments and idle chatter are over we head back to the meeting room and  I sit with my squad while we listen to the commanders and generals discuss other agendas. The more I listen to them, the more hopeless I feel about the future of humans on Pluto.

They don't discuss the fights anymore but there are other more morbid things like bringing in more humans by the end of the year and encouraging more humans to join as paramours. The longer I hear them speak, the more annoyed I become. 

I am so engrossed in their discussion that I don't realize that the entire room is staring my way until Remulus nudges me in the side. 

I jolt upright when I see Commander Bardotta staring at me pointedly. 

"Please excuse us for our next topic, officer Aria. This discussion is purely for Plutonians. Commander Remulus, you are excused as well." 

I frown in confusion wondering why a human and half breed aren't allowed to hear the next part of their discussion. Remulus stands up and I follow him. 

"You may wait outside," Lucian instructs us and I look at him but he doesn't meet my eyes. 

Once the door shuts behind us I quickly turn to Remulus, who is leaning by the wall and whistling to himself casually like this is the most normal thing.

"Why did we have to leave?" I huff in disappointment. 

"It's normal. Some discussions only involve Plutonians," He glances at me and smiles when he sees the irritation on my face. "You'll get used to it."

"But what could be so private? It's not like they didn't discuss the humans in front of me or you."

"Who knows what they're talking about - galaxy domination, conquering another planet," He waves his hand in the air and smiles half-heartedly. "Should be something along those lines."

I turn away and lean against the wall as well. Curiosity eats away at me as I wonder what they could possibly have to hide from Remulus and I. It must be either something we would not like or information they don't trust us with. 

My frown deepens significantly and I cross my arms over each other. I stare at the grey wall in front of me and try to listen in but hear nothing through the sealed doors. 

"Frown any deeper and those lines will become a permanent feature on your forehead," Remulus states and I quickly raise my eyebrows to relax my forehead. 

"Aren't you curious at all?" I ask him. "I mean it isn't so surprising that I would be kicked out of the meeting but why you?"

Remulus places a hand over his chest looking hurt. "Kicked out? You make it sound so harsh. They do that once in a while. It's kind of normal. I wouldn't think too much about it. The only annoying part is waiting around and doing nothing."

"Does your squad tell you what they talk about after? Does PG Lucian?" I ask him hopefully but he shakes his head. 

"Nope. There are some secrets the Plutonians will never share with us. It's just the way it is."

"Doesn't that bother you?" I can't help but wonder out loud and Remulus casts me a cautious glance. 

"Not in the least. And I wouldn't ever think that out loud if I were you," He says. "Come here."

He pulls me closer to him and then whispers softly. I notice his lips barely move, it just looks like he is breathing rapidly. 

"Look at the upper four corners of the walls at the end. Don't make it too obvious. Just keep your eyes peeled. They don't always stay hidden."

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