Chapter 19

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"What were you doing in the library last night?" I hear Lucian's voice as soon as I walk into his room. 

Every inch of my skin is covered in sweat and my body aches from exhaustion. After watching the brief sparring session between Christina and the other fighter I had pounded all my fear into a punching bag hoping it would ease the trepidation in my chest. The only thing I had succeeded in doing is making myself too tired to bother for today. 

I wipe the strands of hair that cling to my forehead and shut the door behind me. 

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to read something," I reply in annoyance. "That was before you tried to stab me in the eye."

"I did what?" Lucian stands up abruptly, the chair behind him nearly falling over. 

"You. Tried. To. Blind. Me," I say each word with every step I take feeling angry for more reasons than I can count. 

I'm angry about my terrible new opponent. Angry about Leslie making me divulge my secret to Cassandra and even more angry about needing to defend myself not only during the day but during the night as well.

"Tell me what happened from the start," Lucian instructs calmly, ignoring my snappy tone of voice.

"Can I take a bath first?" I ask quickly, wanting to soak in the bath the attendant told me about this morning. I just want to sink into the water and disappear for a few seconds.

"What about your training?" He leans back against the chair and nods his head at the seat in front of him. "I have a surprise for you. Something to brighten your mood."

I groan in frustration and walk up to his dining table to take a seat. 

"What is it?" I sigh. It seems like he is compensating again for hurting me and I know he feels guilty which makes me wonder if he is aware when he attacks me.

"Give me your report first and then I'll deliver my end of the deal," He shoots me a small guilt ridden smile and I quickly brief him on everything that happened last night, leaving out the part where I snooped around his forbidden documents. I just told him I was sleepy and that I knocked over a chair which he believed easily. 

He was more interested in how he attacked me and what he said. 

After my summary, his face lights up in recognition for a split second and I have the suspicion that he knows what I am talking about again.

"You know what I am talking about right?" I am surprised that I have the nerve to ask him what I know in my gut is right. "You know who you're attacking when you sleep walk."

Lucian's face twists in agony before he stiffens and collects himself. 

"I only asked for your report not your opinion," He says in a warning tone and I sink in my chair wondering how long I will be able to take this.

"I used to have nightmares when I was young too. My mother would ask me about them and once I described my fears to her I would be able to sleep better. Maybe that's all you need to do. Talk to someone," I suggest feeling desperate and hopeful at the same time but he only laughs in response.

"Are you seriously comparing me to a human child with nightmares? I am Plutonian. We are the bravest, most powerful species in the galaxy. We don't talk about our feelings, and certainly not our nightmares," He pauses looking directly into my eyes with vehemence. "We have nothing to fear."

I want to roll my eyes at his boastful statement but I control myself when I see that he is gripping the edge of the table tightly. 

"And even if we did, it would be most frowned upon to admit it," He adds after a long stretch of silence. 

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