Chapter 55

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The moment Lucian's squad finds us he grabs me and wraps his arms around me in a death like grip nearly cutting off my circulation. I struggle to breathe under his possessive hold and try to speak but my voice comes out strangled.

"Umm PG Lucian, I think you're killing her," Remulus speaks and Lucian quickly releases me. 

"Shit, are you okay? Sorry I was just so worried," He says with his arms still on my shoulders. 

"I'm fine," I smile, feeling relieved that we are all now together again. Lucian's affection makes me cast a wary glance at his mother. She doesn't look surprised at her son's demeanor, instead she almost looks like she wants to roll her eyes at us. 

Lucian releases me and rushes to her. They hug each other rather awkwardly and it is clear that they aren't a very affectionate duo. However, the sheer happiness on both their faces is evident enough of their love for each other. 

The journey out of the catacomb is thankfully much less eventful and we only encounter a few serpents, which Lucian easily shoots down. His speed and accuracy is astounding. It is as if he has eyes at the back of his head or something. 

He leads our team back to our ship and I can't help but notice a slight skip in his step. My heart lights up with joy when I see how happy he is to have found his mother alive. All the previous angst and exhaustion seems to have evaporated from his face.

We board the ship and everyone heads to the control room. I follow them but Lucian suddenly grabs my wrist and takes me to the back of the ship to the same small room we talked in previously. 

"Lucian, wha-," I don't get to finish my sentence because he pushes me against the wall and then knocks the breath out of me with a fierce kiss. 

His strong arms hold me in place firmly, as if afraid I would disappear into thin air and the truth is I really do feel like I am floating away as he kisses me. Perhaps if he wasn't holding me, I would simply melt like ice. 

Our kiss grows desperate, I don't want to breathe, I don't want to think, I only want to feel Lucian on my lips and against my tongue. His lips are soft and cold and they cause a delirious warmth to spread through out my body. 

He turns his head and deepens the kiss and my knees go weak. He is literally holding me up now and when he finally pulls back I feel a void between us that pierces me with longing. 

He leans his forehead against mine and our noses touch. 

"I thought I lost you back there. It was the most frightening thing I've ever endured," He admits and I notice that his body is trembling slightly. 

"It was for me too," I say and then I kiss him again because I can't stand being so close and not having his lips against mine. The addictive pleasure he gives me is indescribable.

Lucian presses me into the wall and gives in as much as I do. After a while we both lose our breath and stop again. 

"You should probably go see your mother," I finally say against his lips. I resist the urge to look out the small pane of glass on the door, hoping she didn't see us. 

Lucian smiles against my lips and speaks. "Not only did I get you back but you also found my mother. I swear Aria, I swear to all the stars and universes, I honestly don't know what I did to deserve you."

His admission makes me blush like crazy. 

"Well technically she found me. She saved my life," I say. 

"That doesn't change anything," He says.

Lucian's cool breath tickles my skin and when he finally leans away I resist the urge to grab his face and pull him back. 

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