"We only need you to come in when required and you will be handling the frozen meat mostly. It is what the boss instructed," The Plutonian manager that runs Onyx leads me through the bar and towards the washrooms at the back.
He has a shiny black lip piercing and a long dark crystal that hangs from his ear, complementing his pale hair perfectly.
"Let me show you where your workstation will be and then I will let Rosie take over." He walks down the long corridor that leads to the freezer and opens the door. He takes out a light stick which illuminates the dark hallway Matt lead me through previously. I notice the plain walls and my eyes instinctively shoot to the corners above.
I don't see any green dots just like Matt had said. The Plutonian who introduced himself as Jixo turns the wheel to the freezer and pulls the door open.
"It is quite chilly in there. I wouldn't advise you to spend more than ten minutes inside. The humans mostly work in pairs when handling the meat but if there is a lot of work then more humans will share the load," He eyes me curiously and I pretend to look around, making it seem like this is the first time I've seen this place.
"It isn't exactly the greatest atmosphere and I'm not sure why our boss gave you this job," Jixo stares at me looking slightly worried. "If you want to switch with someone else, please let me know."
"No, this is fine," I smile at him politely. I can feel the chill from the ice inside and resist the urge to hug myself for warmth.
He nods his head and shuts the door. "This isn't usually the first job we give our new staff but your request was rather sudden and there was no formal interview. Although most of us here already know who you are and I trust Rosie's judgement. She is one of our best employees."
"Thank you so much for the opportunity. I will do my best," I reassure him. "Will I be able to thank your boss in person?"
"Our boss," Jixo corrects me. "I doubt you will. I've never met him or her in person either. We only send reports, make requests and receive instructions through our restaurants mainframe. All I know is that they are very busy and very highly ranked."
I nod and swallow hard wondering who the boss is. The very fact that they assigned me to the meat makes me highly suspicious that they might be 'S' or working for them.
"May I ask why you want to work here? I know Rosie said you wanted an outlet after work but I just can't believe you would want such a menial job when you are associated with a member of the Trinity. Is PG Lucian okay with this?" He raises his pale eyebrows at me and I look down at the black tiles beneath our feet.
"He's fine with it," I reply. He doesn't know it yet but I'm sure he will be fine. I hope so.
"Okay, I don't want any trouble so if I find out he's not in favor I will have to terminate your services. Hope you understand."
We reach the bar and I see Rosie wiping some glasses before placing them somewhere below the counter.
"Rosie, you can get her settled in," Jixo addresses her and I scurry to her side, eager to find out if she was able to help me with the fingerprints.
"Will do," She smiles at him while he leans over the counter to watch what she is doing.
"Your eye is looking slightly better. Let me know if you need a day off, okay? Didn't expect to see you back here so soon," He says and then he walks away.
Rosie hands me a piece of cloth and I mirror her movements, wiping down the glasses by the sink.
"He seems nice," I state.

Science Fiction[THIS STORY IS FREE WITH EXCLUSIVE BONUS CONTENT] A fake relationship, a diabolical plan and a threat to the human race. The only thing that ties them together is an eighteen year old girl's choice, that could change the course of everything. *** ...