Chapter 67

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I barely got a wink of sleep the whole night. If Lucian noticed, he certainly doesn't bring it up while we have break fast together in taut silence. He sleeps much better nowadays and barely has nightmares ever since we started talking them out but I noticed he shifted in his sleep a lot last night. 

"What's on your mind?" He finally speaks and I shiver slightly. I cast a glance at Cyscus who is packing our uniforms and essentials into Lucian's pocket sized suit case. 

"Just nervous and excited for our mission today," I reply after I swallow a bite. More like tortured and shaking with fear at the thought my Earth being turned to the next version of the hell it is here but he doesn't need to know that. 

Especially since he is one of the leaders supporting that very plan. 

Just thinking about it makes me nauseous and I put down my cutlery and take a large gulp of my oxygen infused drink.

"Excited?" Lucian raises his eyebrows at me. "Well that makes one of us."

"Why? Should I not be excited?"

"A planet who rebels against the Plutonian empire has always met with ill fate. I am actually dreading this mission, Aria," He sighs and pushes his food away. I notice he barely ate anything as well.

Cyscus brings us the pocket sized case and Lucian attaches the small thing to his uniform when he gets up. I stand up as well and Cyscus looks at both our plates, looking disappointment with the amount we ate. 

I sling my bag over my shoulder and he immediately rushes to me. 

"Mistress Aria, let me pack your belongings into a pocket sized case as well. They are much easier to carry around and you can carry more at a lesser weight," Cyscus gushes and is about to take hold of my bag when I whip away defensively. 

If he saw my finger pad, I would be as good as dead.

"I'm fine. It's very light, I just took a book to read during the flight," I say while I try to keep my breathing steady. 

Cyscus casts a wary glance at Lucian and Lucian just nods his head. 

"Let her take her bag if she wants to."

We head to the entrance and Phillius is already in the official Trinity glider, waiting. He takes off the moment we are seated and I notice he doesn't head to the army base. Instead we go through the city and exit the North city gates. 

I turn to look out the window and see us heading down a pathway that leads to the South. Phillius suddenly takes the turn off that leads to the Eastern border which startles me slightly. I look at Lucian curiously and he gestures for me to look past the Eastern security check point. 

Once we pass through the check point Lucian instructs us to turn on our breather suits as we exit the protective atmosphere. I stare out of my window, taking in the vast expanse of dull grey and blue that reminds me of the Western border. 

Phillius makes a turn, passing by a large slab of rock and that is when I see something I never expected to find out here. 

The vast strip of land before us looks like the landing site in the army base, only a hundred times larger. The ships here are massive, each of them are shaped like round discs and they are about the height of some of the buildings in the city. 

One ship could fit an entire fleet of soldiers. Phillius stops outside the nearest ship and I notice many gliders parked here as well. I see the General's gliders as well as two other gliders carrying the Trinity symbol. 

There are about a dozen Plutonians carrying weaponry inside and I see General Lyra standing by one of the vehicles, talking to Lazarus and Luna. 

Someone knocks on our window and then I see Remulus's smiling face. I suppress a grin as we get out of the glider and join him outside. Seeing someone familiar somehow calms me down a bit.

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