Chapter 63

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I don't know what to expect as I click on the icon named GE-18. As soon as my finger touches the folder, the screen disappears and is replaced with rows and rows of numbers. The words 'Batch Q' is written in bold at the top of the file and I stare at the numbers in confusion and then click on the first number - Number one. 

I jump in fright when a black image pops up suddenly with the word 'deceased' plastered over it and there is nothing else for me to see. 

I click on the next number and the same thing appears. I do this for the first five and get no where. My nerves are on edge and I have a fear of Cyscus walking in to check on me like he's done before. Locking the door would make no difference since he already has the keys. 

I scroll down, sifting through the numbers as quickly as I can. I click on a hundred and the same thing appears. It is only when I reach the numbers in the thousands do I finally find something.

I click on number 1734 randomly and the picture of a human girl pops up. I don't really recognize her but after looking through the various photos provided I remember her as one of the slaves I've worked with before on the grids.

Her number is the name given to her, the title of the file but her true name is written under her picture - Isabelle. She is an older slave and she has been working in the mines for years. Her birth date has been written under her name and I realize she must be around twenty five this year.

Her age surprises me because her face always carried a weary, tired expression making her look much older. I scroll down and read the details about her. Almost everything is here - her height, weight, medical history and even behavioral history. 

They describe her as an unassertive character and when I scroll down further I notice there are more pictures of her but she is much younger here. I see her posing next to a trophy and then with a bunch of other kids. 

My fingers shake ever so slightly as I realize I am staring at photos of her from when she was on Earth, most likely before she was abducted. She was placed into the foster care system when she was a child and they have recorded all her transfers from one home to another. 

I reach the end of the file and see the words Variable Type 1 written below. There are several reports about her behavior which are too tedious to read so I exit her file and scroll down till I reach my own.

Number 7203.

I click on my number feeling apprehensive and suck in a breath as I come face to face with a picture of myself. My expression is miserable and I don't even remember when it was taken. 

I scroll down, past my name and details and gasp softly when I see numerous pictures of my seven year old self, smiling into the camera with my parents standing on either side of me. There are even a few pictures of my brother and I pulling at the ends of a toy, both looking angry with each other. 

Seeing my family like this makes me take a step back and all I can do is stare at them. Faces I've forgotten now burn their way into my mind and settle like scars. My mother, I don't remember her smiling like that ever and my father has never looked so cheerful.

Even the image of my brother tugs at my heart strings. I used to fight with him on a daily basis, I remember wanting to kick him out of the house numerous times. What I would give right now to fight with him for just another day. 

After regaining some of my composure, I sift through the photos and it dawns on me that they have records of me in school, pictures of me playing in my sports attire and even my medical history as a child. 

There are similar words written at the bottom of my folder but unlike Isabelle I come under the category of Variable Type 2. 

Feeling curious about these differentiating variables, I click on Cassandra's number and then Stela's and see that they both belong to the Variable Type 1 group. Cassandra's pictures from Earth are quite hard to look at, they mainly consist of a terribly skinny young girl dressed in torn clothes looking for food in dumpsters. There is only one picture of her mother and all I see is a bedraggled young woman who looks half dazed and unhealthily scrawny. 

Even Stela's pictures from Earth doesn't really paint a pretty picture of a happy childhood. Like Isabelle, she too went through the foster care system and there are far too many pictures of her covered in bruises. 

I try to find Rosie's file but since she never told me her number it's almost impossible to find her.

There are almost fifteen thousand numbers here. 

I think hard, racking my brain to recall if I have seen hers anywhere and then I remember her medical card by her hospital bed. She is number 4765. 

I search for that number and then scroll to the bottom of the page to check. I see pictures of a small, much shorter Rosie being hugged by a large woman who has the same glowing bronze skin tone. Her face is almost identical to Rosie's, she must be her mother. There is a tall and handsome man, dressed in army attire standing behind them. He is wearing the proudest smile on his face and his hand is placed firmly on little Rosie's shoulder. 

My heart goes out to her family and I quickly scroll further down before I feel worse. I see the words Variable Type 2 typed at the bottom, which was the same as mine.

A rattle echoes from outside and I quickly turn around. I wait in place with my finger ready to exit everything but the sound disappears. I exit her folder and stare at the folders next to it, looking for anything else and my eyes fall on the one named 'Reports' so I instinctively click on that next. 

I cast one last look at the door before scanning the named documents. Each document is named after a General. I see Lazarus's file and then I come across Lucian's name. My heart stills and I press on the document immediately. 

A wordy series of documents flutters to life and I realize that I am reading a report about the human subjects, only the one reporting doesn't describe them by their names but with their categories. There are numerous documents behind this one but reading through each of them would take too long and put me at a higher risk of being caught. 

I choose to read the latest report which is conveniently the one right in front.

Observatory Report 97

With more recruits and more inductions it is becoming increasingly suggestive that Type 2 variables have shown to be more ambitious than their peers, making tough choices that Type 1 candidates cannot. The performances of Type 2 candidates as slaves, fighters and paramours have shown higher success rates than Type 1 candidates. 

That being said, the Type 2 candidates tend to exhibit rather cliquish traits within their own species while Type 1 candidates have integrated with the system much faster and better than their counterparts. The recent rebellions in the cafeteria, the tracks and slave quarters have all involved Type 2 candidates with the exception of one Type 1 candidate. 

It is evident that although Type 2 candidates are able to achieve greater feats, they require  much higher surveillance and caution unlike the Type 1 candidates who show loyalty much earlier. 

I would like to conclude that both categories are needed for balance as they keep each other in check. One existing without the other would tip the scales leading to either a large resistance or a docile unproductive species. The productivity rates are increasing day by day, the number of fatalities have decreased by 5 percent. As someone speaking from experience, I believe the integration is possible. 

Our system has shown to be applicable and conducive for the long run. It is a system that motivates the variables and eliminates all complacency. Some adjustments will have to be made to ensure fairness and as a result more compliance from the variables. I believe these can easily be arranged. It is for our survival as much as it is for them. 

Therefore, I have made the decision to agree with the Generals and the rest of the Trinity that it is time to take this experiment to a much larger scale.

I believe we are ready.

Lucian X.

Ahhh it is a short chapter I know I suck. But it felt right to end it here and writing today was so hard, it's like my brain was frozen or something. 

Anyway I've been dropping hints for the past few chapters and some of your theories are getting really close!! I get so excited when I read them and I have to force myself not to give away anything in the comments haha. Let me know what you guys think. More clues to come in the next chapter :) :)

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