Chapter 9

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Addison's Pov

I woke up wrapped in Brax's arms to the sound of my alarm clock. Ugh.... I hate those things!

Brax embraced me tighter as he heard me sigh and slam my phone back down which brought a smile upon my lips. I really could get used to waking up in his arms but just minus the annoying alarm clock. That thing should be illegal.

"We need to get up for work." I said sleepily.

"I know but I don't want to." Brax replied in a similar sleepy voice holding me closer to his rock hard, warm body. "Five more minutes." He says planting a kiss on my forehead. I snuggle closer to him feeling happy and content in his arms.

"I can get used to this Addison." Brax smiles as his lips descend onto my mine.

"Hmmmm." I answered unintelligently. He's kisses were the best kisses. I couldn't get enough of them, they left me wanting more. The electric feeling going through my body told me how much he's kisses and he's touch affected me. My feelings towards him was growing so fast.

"I can't stop thinking about you Addy and I definitely can't stay away from you." He says deepening our kiss. This kiss was different from all the rest, this one was telling me that I was his and he was mine. I cupped his cheek with one hand and my other tangled in his hair trying to pull him closer. His grip tightened round me, helping me get closer to him.

We made it to work with a few minutes to spare. I got what I needed from Brax and headed into my office that was now back to normal after the whole firing incident. After a morning of phone calls and organising meetings and appointments it was finally lunch time.

I decided to go to Subway to get a sandwich. I ordered and grabbed my sandwich and sat at a table outside Subway. As I dug into my sandwich, I was looking at the world around me and taking in my surroundings. People were passing by me on their way to and from lunch or getting on with their daily activities. While I was looking around someone spotted my eye. Someone familiar. As I got a better look at this person, my heart dropped.

It was Brax and Olivia holding hands. They were laughing and smiling at one another. They both looked so.... happy, close, like they were in a relationship. They stopped and hugged each other. They carried on walking past me on the opposite side of the road, arms draped round each other, he places a kiss on her forehead like he did to me this morning and she kissed his lips. They looked like they were a proper couple and that they were in love.

I got up and threw the rest of my sandwich in the bin, I had completely lost my appetite. Even though I didn't want to go back, I started walking back to the office, tears blurring my vision. How can he kiss me like that this morning and a couple of hours later he's kissing another girl? I didn't get it, I didn't understand it.

I got to the office and finished arranging the meetings that needed arranging. I walked to Brax's office to inform him of the meetings even though they were all written in his online diary. He also said he would tell me what else needed doing before I could leave. I knocked but there was no answer, I opened the door to find it empty. He wasn't back yet.

I guess I can wait!

I waited in my office, getting on with other bits that I could be getting on with. I couldn't get the image of Brax and Olivia out of my head. I am so confused with him. First he says that he can't stay away from me than he is all over Olivia the same day. I didn't understand why he would do it!

At 4:30 I walked to Mr Carter's office again and knocked on the door, still there was no answer. I grabbed the handle and opened the door to find Brax and Olivia in an embrace I didn't want to see again. He was holding her tightly to his body, her hands round his neck and in his hair sucking each other's faces off against his desk. I gasped causing Brax to notice me and walked out the office slamming the door shut. I walked to my office, grabbed my stuff and left. I didn't bother waiting for the lift instead I took the stairs walking down them as fast as I could to the lobby to leave the building.

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