Chapter 20

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Addison's Pov

It had been three weeks since the funeral and Brax was doing okay. He had his down days which was understandable and I supported him as best I could without getting on his nerves or smothering him. A few days after Arthur's funeral, Brax and I cleaned out Arthur's massive home. Brax of course kept certain things but he mostly donated, sold and threw the rest. He had put Arthur's house on the market and had a few offers but nothing came through of them just yet but we still had hope as it was a beautiful house.

I also received more flowers at work from my father along with more threatening notes. The flowers and notes were passed onto the police and they still hadn't caught him yet. This made me nervous, anxious, terrified and everything else in between. I was a mess at the fact that he was still out there waiting for me to let my guard down so he could then get me and kill me, keeping true to his word. I tried my hardest to carry on as normal but it was difficult. I wasn't sleeping properly as my nightmares had come back with a vengeance since the first bunch of flowers and note was left in my office from my father.

My nightmares were horrible. They felt incredibly real. I felt like I was back in his house being abused by him again but these nightmares involved Brax. He was there trying his hardest to protect me from my demon but every nightmare ended badly and my father killed him as I watched on not being able to do anything to help him then my father would turn to me and kill me. Sometimes I would wake up in a heaping mess screaming as I watched my father kill Brax. Brax was amazing and held me, soothing me after my nightmares and promised me that he or I for that matter wasn't going anywhere.

I had done a lot of thinking these last couple of weeks and I had decided that tonight was the night that I would finally give myself to Brax. I felt I had to go the lengths with Brax to finally be free from my fathers grasp regarding the sex aspect as he took my innocence from me. I wanted Brax to be my first with my consent and I felt that I was finally ready. Extremely nervous, but ready. We had done everything apart from have sex but Brax was so loving and said there was no rush, never pressuring me to do anything I wasn't comfortable with which made me love him even more.

I had planned in my head as to how I wanted tonight to go. It was a Saturday and as Brax was out running a few errands begrudgingly leaving me by myself at my insistence, I got to putting my plan into practice. I would start the evening with a home cooked meal of steak, mushrooms, chips and some vegetables and desert would be banana cake that I was in the process of making. Once I had whisked all the ingredients together I put it in the oven to bake and set the timer so I wouldn't forget to take it out the oven.

Burnt banana cake.... no thanks!

While I waited for the banana cake to bake I cleaned the kitchen getting rid of all the mess that I had just made and the mess beforehand. Once the kitchen was clean I moved on to the living room. By the time I had finished cleaning the living room, the timer went off to let me know the cake was baked. Getting it out of the oven I placed it on the cooling rack to cool down and my god it smelt amazing. I wanted to have a slice but I wasn't going to.

I wanted to have our first time in the living room in candle light with the log fire burning and soft music playing in the background. I set candles around the living room but not lighting them yet, I put the log fire on as it was a bit chilly. Walking to the downstairs cupboard I got out a couple of blankets and laid them on the floor with cushions placed nicely on top creating a masterpiece.

It wasn't a masterpiece but it was decent enough!

I knew that when Brax got home I had to somehow keep him out of the living room as I wanted to surprise him even though it wasn't much of a surprise to me, maybe Brax would say different. It was 7 o'clock when I received a message from Brax letting me know he was on his way home and boy did my nerves come out in full force.

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