Chapter 10

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Addison's Pov

When I wake up I see that it's light outside, I squint my eyes because it's so bright especially with the way I'm feeling. I feel like I've been hit by a train, my body aches, my head bangs, my throat is dry, my eyes are sore and swollen. I notice that Nate's not in bed but a note is left on the pillow he used.


I rang Stef and told her you wasn't in work today as your not feeling well. She said to 'get well soon' I've spoken to Brax and informed him of your absence too and he understands. Take today to think about things Adds, I know you will do what is best for you. I love you beautiful girl.

Natey xoxo

I sighed a sigh of relief that Nate had rang Stef for me. I checked my phone for the time to see it was 10am. I also had 6 messages, one from Nate and the rest from Brax. I didn't want to deal with him yet, I needed to get up, washed and dressed. As I got up I realised that I have no clean clothes at Nate's so I'm gonna have to go home. I went to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. I put my trousers on from yesterday and kept Nate's t-shirt on, I packed up my stuff into my handbag, made the bed and walked into the kitchen. Grabbing a glass of water I sent Nate a message.

Thank you for last night and letting me stay. Thanks for calling Stef. I'm going back to my house to get clean clothes and because I live there. Love you ~ Addy xoxo

I left Nate's apartment making sure the door was shut properly. Nate's apartment wasn't that far from mine so I decided to walk home and to clear my head. It was chilly out but not bitter chilly. I made it back to my apartment in 15 minutes, I picked up my post and put it on the coffee table in the living room. I headed straight into my room and got myself some comfy clothes to sit around in and jumped in the shower. After I was finished with my shower I made myself a light lunch as I didn't feel like eating but knew I had to soak up what's left of that wine in my system. I also took some ibuprofen to ease my headache.

I settled down on the sofa with my lunch. I opened all my mail, there was also a letter in the pile from Brax.

Dear Addison,

Words will never fully express how sorry I am, but I truly hope that it is a good start.

I'm so very sorry.

I can't bare to see you unhappy because of my actions. I regret nothing more in life than what I have done to you. It was wrong, stupid and immature and you do not deserve any of the hurt and pain I have caused you. I would try and offer an explanation for what I did, but there are no excuses. I absolutely take responsibility for my selfish actions and the terrible pain I have caused you from a stupid mistake I made. While I can't truly know how this feels to you, I can certainly understand that what I did was one of the worst things I could possibly have done to you.

To hurt you in this way was an insult to all the things that you have done for me and I hate myself for that!

I can't imagine my life without you, without your sense of humour, your caring nature, the random information you seem to know about everything, your beauty and above all your love. You're one of those people who stands out and does great things, one of the few women who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. You have the greatest soul, the noblest nature and the sweetest, most loving heart I have ever known. You make my heart skip five beats every time I see you, you touch my heart with your very presence and when we kiss it takes me to my soul. I know I haven't expressed in words to you what you mean to me but I am so madly in love with you.

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