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Addison's Pov

It had been a month since Olivia attacked me in my office. After she was arrested she admitted that she was the one who was driving the black car and stalking us. She was the one who crashed into the back of our car as we were driving home. She was given a year in prison for the assault against me, stalking Brax and I and for dangerous driving causing a crash.

With all the threats now gone, Brax and I enjoyed life to the fullest. Well we tried to. There was one thing holding me back and that was that I needed answers from my father as to why he done what he done to me. I made the decision to go and see my father in the prison he was held in. Yes, I wanted answers but I also wanted to face him so I can close that chapter of my life.

I was getting dressed after showering and I was a nervous wreck at the impending visit to my father today. Whether he would give me answer, I don't know but I had to try. The only thing I knew was that once I walked back out that prison that was the last time I would ever see my father again. Like I said I needed to close that chapter of my life and move forward with my life with Brax.

I headed downstairs once I was ready. "What do you want for breakfast, beautiful?" Brax asked.

"I'm not really that hungry." I said fiddling with my fingers.

"Try something small baby." He breathed.

"Okay, something small." I agreed.

I was physically shaking as we drove to the prison that held my father. Brax held my hand in his. "I'm with you every step of the way beautiful." Brax reassured.

"I know. Thank you for everything. I don't know what I would have done without you by my side." I whispered.

"You don't need to thank me. I do it because I love you." He comforted as he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles. I could see the love as clear as day in his eyes.

I smiled at him as I took a deep breath and got out the car once Brax parked in the prison car park. I grasped his hand in mine tightly as we walked into the prison. I told the receptionist who we were here to see. We followed the protocol for the prison, placing our stuff in the lockers the prison provided along with any jewellery and other staff that we couldn't take inside.

We walked through the metal detector and waited in a room that they would bring my father into. Brax was with me as I didn't want to do this alone. Brax also wanted to be with me which I was grateful for.

"Have a seat and Charlie will be brought in." The police officer explained.

He left the room to presumably get my father. I crossed my legs and held onto Brax's hand so tightly. "Breathe beautiful." He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

While I concentrated on my breathing I looked around the room. The only furnishings were a table in the middle of the room and the cameras. I heard voices and I turned to toward the door. It opened and the police officer guided Charlie into the room. He's left eye was bruised and he had a cut above his left eyebrow. He looked like shit. He was shackled to the table.

"Hello, Charlie." I said in a cold tone. Brax squeezed my hand under the table as Charlie glared at me.

"Why are you here, Addison?" He snarled.

"I'm here for answers so I can close that chapter of my life and finally move on." He didn't say anything, he just glared at me.

"I want to know why you did what you did to me."

"I hated you because you're the reason that my wife is dead. I didn't want you from the beginning but your mother went ahead with the pregnancy even though she knew there was a risk to her life. Nine months later, you arrived and she died." He sneered.

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