Chapter 18

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Addison's Pov

It had been four days since we lost Arthur. Brax was struggling with the loss, he was a shell of the man that I know. He became quiet and withdrawn. I tried my hardest not to take it to heart that he was withdrawing from me but it was hard seeing the man I love try to deal with this by himself. I knew I had to intervene but I also knew I had to give him time to come to terms with the loss of his father. I said to myself I would give him a few more days then I would step in.

"I'm going into work today. Stef is coming to get me." I said to Brax.

"Okay." Was the only word I got out of him.

"Do you want me to bring dinner back?" I asked him.

No response!

"I know you're hurting Brax but there's no need to ignore me and treat me like I don't exist." I said my voice full of hurt.

Still no response!

He walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of whisky and slumped down on the sofa drinking from the bottle. Whisky had become his best friend, he had become to rely on it to get him through the day.

I left him to it and finished getting myself ready for work. Ten minutes later there was a beep outside notifying me that Stef was here. Saying goodbye to Brax and not getting a response, I left.

"Hey, Adds." Stef smiled as I got in the car.

"Hey, Stef. Thank you for picking me up."

"With your father out there I'm not going to abandon you." She said. Stef and I had become good friends since I started working at Carter Inc. and she had been there for me with everything going on with my father.

"Well that makes one of you." I grimaced. I know Brax is hurting but to treat me like shit and push me away is uncalled for. In the last four days he's said not even ten words to me. I've spoke to him like normal but he's just ignored me. I know and understand he's grieving the death of his father but he needs all the people who love him to get him through this rough patch.

"I know it's difficult Addy but he just needs to get his head on straight. Hopefully by the time you get back, he will talk to you." Stef said.

"I hope so. I hate seeing him so withdrawn and drowning his sorrows in a bottle of whisky." I sighed.

The rest of the car journey to work was quiet save for the music on the radio. We got to work and rode up to our floor in the lift. I didn't know what I was going to do work wise as my boss wasn't here to give me orders. I'll just have to see what is on his desk and if he had any meetings for today. I said goodbye to Stef and headed straight to Brax's office.

I decided that I would just stay in his office and work today. I hung up my coat and put away my bag, turning on my laptop I sat down at Brax's desk. It felt so wrong to be sitting here without him here. I opened the calendar on my laptop to today's date and see that there are no meetings luckily but there are files to work on, on his desk so I get to work on that.

Lunch flies by. I have my lunch in the break room then head back to Brax's office to continue with the files that need doing. Arriving at Brax's office, I find Olivia sitting on the sofa in his room.

For fucks sake!

"Where's Brax?" She snarled.

"Not here clearly." I snapped back. God I hate this woman!

"When will he be back?" She asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"You're suppose to be his girlfriend and yet you don't know when he will be back. Or has he dumped your money grabbing ass already?" She smirked.

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