Chapter 19

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Addison's Pov

It was the day of Arthur's funeral. Brax was rushing around making sure everything was ready to go and that everything was perfect. I grabbed his arm, sat him on the stall at the kitchen island. "Baby, breathe. Everything is ready to go." I said holding his cheeks in my hands looking into his eyes.

He let out a deep breath and cupped his hands over my hands that were on his cheeks. "I just need to make sure it's perfect for him." He said tears welling in his eyes.

"It will be. Go upstairs, get in the shower and get yourself ready. Okay?" I said kissing him lightly on the lips.

"What about you? You still need to get ready." He said against my lips.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be ready by the time you're finished." With one last kiss, I pushed him out of the kitchen and up the stairs so he could get ready. We had two hours before the hearse and funeral cars got here.

I had already showered this morning so while Brax was in the shower I was in the bedroom putting on my black knee-length dress. I had just finished putting my hair up in a loose chignon when Brax walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower body. He had shaved his week old stubble from his face and he looked a lot better. I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous toned body.

He grabbed his clothes off the bed, kissed my neck and walked back into the bathroom. I finished putting my makeup on and headed downstairs. A couple of minutes later Brax comes downstairs wearing his best suit and to say he was sexy was an understatement.

Boy did he have it going on in every single department and yes he was all mine! MINE!

"You're ogling. Like what you see?" Brax smirks at me.

"You look hot in a monkey suit." I smirk back.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "If anyone looks hot it's you especially in this dress." He smiles, his hands moving lower so they were perched on my ass. I blushed at his comment.

There was a knock at the door. Brax opened the door to some of Arthur's oldest and dearest friends. Some where meeting at the house to follow the hearse and some where meeting at the cemetery to pay their respects and say their final goodbyes to Arthur.

About twenty minutes later we were all gathered outside Arthur's house as the hearse pulled up with his coffin, Brax gripped my hand as tears filled his eyes. With tears filling my eyes I squeezed his hand and rubbed his arm with my other hand. We got into the first car behind Arthur's coffin. Settling into the car, I sat close to Brax, he placed his hand back in mine. He knew he had my full support today and every other day.

No words were spoken on the way to the cemetery but it wasn't an awkward silence. Pulling into the cemetery Brax let out a huge breath, with a squeeze of his hand we got out of the car. I was stunned at how many people had showed up to pay their respects to Arthur. Looking at the people around me, I could see he was a very liked and loved man.

The service was well and truly underway and there wasn't a dry eye in the chapel. Brax got up to say a few words for his father.

Dads are someone to look up to, someone to follow, someone to admire, someone to be proud of and someone to brag about, someone to hold and someone to cry with, someone to learn from and someone to respect, someone to listen to and someone to talk to, someone to try and impress, sometimes rebel against, and, someone, most of all, with whom to share everything this wonderful life has to offer.

I am so incredibly grateful and happy that I can stand here today and tell you that I have had all this and much, much more with my dad Arthur.

Losing my Father is one of the most difficult things I have gone through. As I am standing up here today, I realize how fortunate I was to have him as my Father. There are no words to express his influence in my life. It is through his example that I learned to be the man that I am today and I hope he is proud of the man I have become.

My father was hardworking, strong, loving, and gentle. He loved his family and was deeply devoted to my mother and myself. My father was a hard man to dislike. I know it's common at a funeral to only remember the good things, to omit the things that would embarrass someone. In my father's case, the most remarkable thing that can be said is that there is no bad.

To say I loved my dad would be an understatement - and to say I'm going to miss him would be an even greater understatement.

I cannot begin to imagine not having Dad on the end of a phone or popping around at a moment's notice to assist, in his ever graceful manner, with any project great or small with which I happen to be needing advice or help. Dad was always there for everyone, family, neighbours, colleagues, or friends. . .

Dad was compassionate towards everyone, and deserved the success and rich life that he enjoyed. He taught me many, many things but I think most importantly he gave me the ability to know that if you really put your mind to something, anything is possible, and never to be afraid to give anything a go.

He showed strength and love right up until his last days with us. I hope that one day, when I die, my children when I have them can look back, tell funny stories about me, and talk about how I loved them and their mother. Then, like my father, I will have led a complete life.

My father was devoted to my mother like there was no tomorrow. He loved her with every ounce of his being. The day I lost my mother, I also lost part of my father. He didn't think he could go on without her but he did. He did for me and done the best he could to be mother and father and for that I will be forever grateful.

I love you dad and will miss you dearly. Fly high my superhero with mum.

Throughout Brax's speech, he had to pause a few times to compose himself but he made me so proud at how strong he was. After a beautiful service we headed to Arthur's favourite pub 'The Lions Head' and celebrated his life with all those that attended his funeral. I loved hearing all the memories everyone had of Arthur and how positively they spoke of Arthur. It warmed my heart. He was a loved man who was proud of his accomplishments.

After everyone had eaten some hot food that the pub provided, we had a few people stand up and share their fondest or best memories of or with Arthur which I thought was beautiful. Yes there were tears and laughter but there wasn't a bad word said about him.

I knew it had been a rough day for Brax but he got through it with people by his side who loved Arthur. By the end of the night Brax and I were emotionally and physically exhausted. We helped the pub staff clean up the aftermath of the 'celebration' even if they insisted that they were fine to do it themselves, then we headed home in a cab.

"I'm so proud of you." I said to Brax as I laid in his arms in bed.

"Thank you beautiful. Thank you for being by my side and for your support today. I couldn't have done it without you." He said placing a kiss on my head and wrapped his arms around me tighter.

I snuggled closer to Brax's warm body as I felt my eyes droop. I placed a kiss to his chest above his heart. "I love you." I whispered into the darkness.

"I love you to beautiful." Was the last thing I heard before I succumb to sleep.

Chapter 19 done :)

Sorry for a shorter chapter than the rest. Arthur was laid to rest and is flying high with Brax's mum. They have finally been reunited amongst the angels.

We are going to move forward in time a little bit so yeah enjoy :)

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your days to read my story. I'm so grateful for all the love you guys have shown. Thank you for the votes, comments, everything 😘

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