Baking love

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goggles was laying next to rider on their couch, snuggling peacefully while rain was crashing down outside.
goggles knew storms gave rider bad anxiety, so he always made sure to keep him calm during these times.

goggles began softly planting kisses all over rider's face, in hope of waking him up.
"yes goggles?" rider spoke, softly smiling with his eyes still closed.
goggles planted one final kiss on riders nose before speaking "I'm boredd, let's do something".

rider laughed while pulling goggles closer to him "but we are doing something" rider softly stroked goggles hair "were snuggling".
goggles huffed and rested his head on rider's shoulder "yeah but I want to do something else".

rider yawned, still stroking goggles hair "well? what do you want to do".
goggles looked up with excitement "hm we could play some video games, make a pillow fort, watch squidtube or tv, bake..uh".
rider rose up with goggles still snuggled on him "baking sounds good, I've been craving something sweet".

rider then picked up goggles bridal style and smirked. "put me down" goggles laughed while blushing a tint of blue.
"nah" rider carried goggles to the kitchen and placed him down

"what do you want to make?".
goggles took out some recipes "we have vanilla cupcakes, cake, cookies oh? banana bread! let's do that" goggles placed the recipe down and took out a large bowl.

"ok first we need two cups flour" goggles pointed at rider and smiled. "on it" rider placed the flour in the bowl "what's next?".
"we need one cup of sugar" goggles smiled while rider laughed. "one cup of sugar coming right up" rider grabbed goggles and pulled him closer, smooching his cheek nonstop.
"RIDER YOU NOOHOHO I SAID SUGARR!!" goggles laughed while pushing rider away.  "oh? my bad" rider smiled while grabbing some sugar and placing it in the bowl.

"ok we need two eggs, unsalted butter, pecans, bananas, vanilla, baking soda and salt" goggles and rider grabbed the items and mixed them in the bowl.

after mixing the ingredients they put them into pans and placed them in the oven.
"ok now we just wait for an hour and fifth teen minutes" goggles smiled and grabbed riders hand.

"Alright, what now?" rider intertwined his fingers with goggles. "I know" goggles took out his phone and turned on some soft music "let's dance!".

rider scratched his neck and smiled nervously "I'm not good with dancing". goggles grabbed riders other hand and started to sway them back and forth
"hey me neither! last time I danced I tripped almost everyone".
Rider laughed and wrapped his hands on goggles sides "well you better not trip me". goggles giggled and wrapped his hands around riders neck.

as the smooth music played, the two were gently moving from side to side.
they both felt light on their feet, gracefully changing as the beat went on.
looking into each other's peaceful gaze, they smiled softly letting out a few laughs.

rider decided to be slick and pull goggles into a tight grasp, kissing him fluently on the lips. goggles looked up, his face covered in his blue tent. rider then playfully stuck out his tongue now leaning in for another kiss but goggles pulled away and laughed "you'll have to catch me first".

goggles ran off sticking out his tongue while rider followed behind "get back here you dork!".
goggles ran into his bedroom ducking under his covers while rider walked in. "hm, I wonder where goggles went?" rider joked while moving up to the bed.
he then moved the blankets and tackled goggles with lots of sloppy smooches.

"rider!!" goggles laughed, struggling to get out of his grasp while rider kept up his kissing torture.

goggles soon gave in, wrapping his hands around rider neck enjoying every smooch.
rider then shifted the kisses down to goggles neck giving him a smug look "you remember what I said earlier?? that I was craving something sweet~"

goggles blushed hard and playfully hit rider, "stop it". but rider didn't listen. he continued to kiss his adorable bf

goggles purred through each kiss, god he loves his bf

after awhile rider then pulled out looking at goggles with a soft grin. the blue boy was a mess, his whole face flushed dark blue while rider cuddled up next to him.

goggles turned to face rider and left out a soft wine "noo continueee".
rider laughed and began kissing goggles again "I thought you wanted me to stop~" rider spoke while kissing goggles jaw.
"hush" goggles responded scoffingly. the two snuggled up for a bit, forgetting that dreadful storm outside,, until it was time to take out the baked bread.

this is just a short drabble I did on the bus
it was inspired by this fanfiction
I love the head cannons in it omg??? this stuff fuels my gay ass

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