splatfest night

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goggles slumped down on his bed, completely exhausted from today's splatfest

"ughh we're finally home"

rider placed his jacket down on the floor and joined goggles "thank god, if I had to listen to color pulse one more time" rider then flopped his head on a pillow "I would scream"

goggles laughed "yeah, same here"

goggles moved his hands back, now untying his ponytail "I still can't believe gloves drank that whole cup of salsa"

rider laughed "oh my god yeah, did you even see eging?? he drank that guac like it was nothing!!"

goggles giggled "god that was amazing"

rider turned over to face goggles "pcch you're amazing"

a blush crept over on goggles face "what??"

rider blushed too, now realizing what he just said


the two sat in silence before goggles moved down next to rider


rider reached over and began to play with goggles tentacles "hey"

rider never really took the time to gaze at this splatfest's ink color, yeah red ink was cool and all but with goggles using it, it was really a sight.

as rider played with goggles hair, small purrs escaped goggles mouth.

rider smiled down at goggles "you're like a cat"

goggles frowned "no I'm not"

rider laughed and shifted goggles up onto his lap, still playing with his hair "suree"

goggles sighed and rested his body on rider, enjoying the feeling. rider softly hummed and kissed goggles head "cutie".

rider continued to play with goggles hair until the small boy moved so he was facing rider.

goggles moved close to rider, their noises were now touching "boop~"

rider laughed and kissed goggles cheek, god, goggles was the cutest thing ever.

goggles then softly nuzzled his face against rider, slowly moving his hands to grab riders.

rider took notice of goggles hands and he quickly grabbed them. he then pushed goggles down and toppled over him, now showering the poor boy in kisses

goggles laughed "rider stop that tickles"

rider softly laughed and continued to kiss goggles "make me"

without warning, goggles shifted into squid form and moved out of riders grasp. goggles then quickly shifted back.

"get back here" rider commanded

goggles stuck out his tongue "nope"

rider then tackled goggles, who quickly lost his balance. goggles squeaked as the pair fell onto the floor.

"I hate you"

"no you don't" rider purred, now cupping goggles face

goggles rolled his eyes and giggled "yes, yes I do"

rider let out a pfft and kissed goggles "wanna watch a movie?"

goggles smiled, blushing a bit from the smooch "only if we can make some popcorn"

rider laughed "sure"


quick little fluff 💖
team salsa lets make some noise!

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