movies and kisses

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rider was walking down the street with a small grin on his face.

he was heading to goggles house for a movie night. since he lost the film vs book splatfest, he had to deal with whatever punishment the other had in mind.
for goggles, this is a movie night.

rider walked up the steps to goggles home and knocked on the door.
goggles fumbled downstairs and opened it with a huge grin.

goggles was wearing a white t-shirt with some cute, soft flower shorts.
while rider was wearing a large hoodie with long pants.

"rider! are you ready to watch some movies??" goggles said happily while letting rider inside.

"I guess" rider spoke with an annoyed tone, trying to sound tough while taking a seat on goggles couch.

goggles tossed some snacks and blankets next to rider and slumped down. "hmm.. what should we watch?" goggles said looking through tons shows and movies, trying to find something good.

rider turned to face goggles "a horror movie would be great"

goggles looked back at rider "you know how I feel about those" he growled.

"oh yeah. I forgot, you're a scaredy cat" rider laughed

"I'm not a scary cat, horror movies. just. upset me" goggles growled again. "scary cat~" rider purred while rubbing goggles hair,
"I will bite you" goggles hissed.
"yes" rider laughed,
"oh my cod" goggles flopped on his back in defeat.

"ready for some squidflix and chill?" rider snickered "OH MY COD RIDER NO" goggles softly hit rider with a pillow nonstop full of anger blushing hard while rider was throwing a fit of laughter.

"ok ok what movie are we going to watch??" Rider giggled through each bang
goggles placed down the pillow "let's watch something funny or romantic" goggles smiled while grabbing riders hand, "nah let's watch something scary" rider grabbed goggle's other hand.

"hey you lost the splatfest! I get to choose" goggles wined, "dude you literally just asked me what movie we should watch, plus scary movies mean more cuddles" rider pulled goggles close into a warm snuggle hug.

goggles placed his head into riders chest and sighed "ok fine, but you better cuddle with me".

"I will" rider grabbed the remote and changed it to the zapfish zombie.

rider laid down and pulled goggles with him, now nuzzling his soft hair.

as they were watching the movie goggles would jump a bit at unexpected scares and hide under riders arm.

soon a big jump scare came, which caused goggles to let out a small yelp.

He quickly moved under the blankets, only for rider to lift him back up again.

"Come on, watch the movie with me you doofus" rider chuckled, giving goggles a small smooch on his head.

"Hey, I thought you hated movies?" goggles protested while sinking back under the blankets.

"I don't "hate" movies, I'd just rather read".

goggles peeked out from under the blankets "It feels like I'm getting the punishment this splatfest"  goggles laughed while grabbing riders hoodie.

rider laughed too and looked at goggles "what are you doing you dork?".

"mmhdhvn it's cold" goggles wined, "then turn off the fan" rider then proceeded to look back at the movie

"nah I have a better idea" goggles quickly went into riders hoodie and laughed evilly.
rider blushed and looked away "I hate you" he huffed while moving into a more comfortable position.
"no you don't" goggles snickered

"yes I do"

rider then softly planted some smooches on goggles cheek.

goggles softly hummed in response to the smooches, now moving to kiss riders lips. after the love filled kiss they both returned to watching the movie.

at least this time, goggles was way calmer now.

requested by @Lily_DrawSplatoon
I hope you enjoyed this small little oneshot
also thank you for 100+ views, it means a lot

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