Bad dream

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requested by @agentflame03

The silence was unbearable, a soft ringing hummed through Goggle's ear, hoping, no.. waiting for a sound.

Goggles sighed, rubbing his droopy eyes. Rider should be here soon, what was taking him so long?

Standing up, Goggles moved towards the bathroom to get ready for the night. Goggles spat out the nasty peppermint toothpaste he used and flushed it out with water. God it was such a horrid taste. 

He covered his mouth and yawned. I guess I'll should- huh? Goggles moved his hand down and glanced at a petal stuck to his palm.


Goggles shook the flimsy thing off and sighed. I wonder where that came from. After finishing up his bathroom duty's he slomped down on his bed. I wonder if rider got caught in traffic. Goggles coughed, I hope he's alright. When he gets home I'd love to play squid5 with h- Goggles coughed again, this time a couple of petals came out.

Goggles picked the green petals up and frowled his brows. What? Where do these keep coming from? I should probably tell rider abou- There he coughed again, Clearly seeing the petals fall from his mouth.

He shifted up on his bed and moved away. Are you pulling something on me Ride- Goggles arched forward and grasped his neck, doing his best to stop coughing. Goggles gasped with teary eyes. What... what is happening?

Reaching for his phone, the blue boy looked online for help. All he got was some stupid flower disease. Only till he looked into it, he started to worry. Hanahaki disease.. one-sided love? He couldn't possibly have that. After all he's dating ride-

Goggles clenched his stomach and ran into the restroom, throwing up. The taste of bile stung his throat. Hanahaki disease came with throwing up, Do I really have that? Rider loves me after all.

With that, Goggles choked up some more petals. One-sided love.. does he even love me? Goggles clashed his teeth together. It's true Isn't it. Does he even feel love towards me?? Or did he go along with it because of pity.

Goggles fell onto the floor and sobbed,he could feel the roots piercing into his body. Rider never loved me.


I deserve to die.


Goggles awoke to Rider clinging onto him, shaking him awake. Goggles quickly gasped for air and looked around the room. was I dreaming?

Rider sighed and then smiled, he began to draw circles with his palm on Goggles back "you were talking in your sleep, are you ok?"

Goggles hitched his breath and rested his head on Rider "I'm aright... just a bad dream you know?"

he doesn't love you.

Rider softly kissed goggles cheek "want to talk about it? You seem pretty upset"

pity he has on you.

goggles sighed "you don't love me.."


"it's pity.. is it not?"

"goggles quit joking I love you!"

"No you don't" goggles pushed rider away and began to sob. Rider quickly closed the space between them and wiped some tears away "hey hey don't say that! I love you ok? Nothings going to change that!!"

Goggles continued to cry as Rider hugged him close "what ever's going through your head.. stop that. I love you so much."

Goggles sniffled and clung onto his boyfriend's t-shirt "how do I know you're not lying?"

Rider stiffened a bit "Listen you just.. gotta trust me ok. Hey if I didn't love you would I have not asked you out? If I didn't feel a strong desire to kiss your face every time I saw you.. would I have kissed you today? And if I didn't love you would I have kicked gloves to the moon and back when he dropped your pickled plums?"

Goggles let out a soft snort at the last remark, Rider took notice of this and grinned "would I not love you if I picked you up and kissed you the whole night away?"

Goggles shifted his head "wait.. you haven't done that?"

"I'm about too now"

Rider laughed and picked up his loving squid, nuzzling his self onto him with many kisses.

Goggles shrieked as he was under attack by his boyfriends kisses, "ok ok I get it, you love me!" Rider stopped and frowned "well you're no fun..". Goggles rolled his eyes "hush... you".

Rider plopped goggles back down and pulled him close, "hey goggs"


"I love you.."

"pffct— I know you do"

what up it's been awhile since I posted huh?? sorry about that,, writers block is a pain but that's alright. I'm not too found of writing angst because it always leaves me feeling numb... kasgdhfh I'll write more more fluff soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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