wahoo world

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goggles ran up to rider, who was staring off into the water "rider this way! there's a claw machine".

rider turned around, nodding a ok as goggles grabbed his hand, dragging him to the stuffed toy game.

goggles scanned around the machine until a cute green squid plush caught his eye, "oh rider look!! it looks just like you~"

the green squid laughed, placing a hand on goggles shoulder "if you can win a plush from this scammy game, I'll.. hmm"

"you'll ride with me on a carnival ride?" goggles smiled

"yeah" rider smiled back before realizing what he agreed to, "what what-"


and with that, goggles was already playing the game, cautiously moving the claw at a nice point. before clicking the red button, waiting to see if he won the soft looking plush.

rider laughed to himself, "he's not going to get it, this game is so cheap"


goggles eyes were shining, he reached down and grabbed his prize with a soft "woah"

rider looked down, his mouth wide open "you. you did not"

goggles softly ran his fingers across the soft green squid, still all stary eyed "yes. yes I did"

rider groaned "..fuck"

goggles pulled the plushie into a hug "I'm going to name it rider!! now come on! you have a ride to owe"

goggles grabbed rider's hand again, softly giggling as he dragged him to the rides.

rider was all flustered, noticing that goggles was blushing a bit too.

the two stopped at a ticket booth, goggles looked at the ride options and pondered "what ride should we go on?"

rider looked at the rides, they all seemed fine. well except for the faris wheel, no way in hell was he going to ride that thing. nope nope nope! heights are way to scary.

but before rider could put his opinion a worker cut him off.

"you should ride the faris wheel!! tonight's a gorgeous night and you can see inkopolis square from here! it'll be such a breath taking sight don't you think?"

goggles gasped, oh god.. there he goes with the stary eyes again, and handed the man some money "two tickets for the faris wheel!!"

rider sunk in his jacket as goggles yet again dragged him off to the suffer wheel.

as the two were running off a soft chuckle was herd behind them.

the two arrived at the ride, goggles handed the tickets off to another worker and waited for their turn.

"thank you~♪ have a fun time up there"
the worker laughed

goggles laughed too and held onto his plush "thank you! and we will"

and with that, the ride's doors opened and the two entered the ride. rider was internally freaking out, but what was he going to do? tell goggles that he's afraid of heights?? he already knows he's afraid of storms. what a baby he'll look like.

the worker shut the doors and started the ride.

"so youuuu reallyyyy think they'ree dating?" a figure creeped up to the worker

"of course they are! why wouldn't they be mask~♪? "

"surree" the cyan squid rolled his eyes

"if they are, this'll be great information in my manual!" a orange squid spoke

"army" a purple squid pinched his nose "come on, how can we even confirm they're dating?"

"it's simple skull! they're going on the faris wheel rightttt~?"

the other three squids spoke together "yeah? So?"

"and faris wheels are the perfect romantic settings for couples, soooo, like any other couple, they'll walk out with their faces all flushed!!"

"aloha, this is weird" skull wheezed

"nonsense~!" aloha turned on the ride and smiled wide

"how did you even get to manage the rides?" skull asked

"oh♪! I asked emperor!! he has some connections" the pink squid winked

"hey guyyyys looooook, theyree at the toppp"

"WHAT?!? OH MY GOD STOP THE RIDE!! I BET THEY'RE GONNA KISS" aloha reached for the lever, only for army to stop him

"what are you doing?? there's other people on the ride!" he yelled

as the two were fighting over the lever a snap was herd

"oh no"

rider was sweating, silently freaking out in his head. oh god oh fuck oh god that's a big drop oh shit shit shit.

"wow!! Isn't it beautiful tonight, it's almost as beautiful as you~" goggles purred, nuzzling close to his bf.

rider didn't respond, all he did was tightly grasp goggles hand.

goggles laughed "ow rider you're hurting me" he shifted his gaze at rider. now noticing how pale he was "rider?"

rider looked out the window, now seeing a pink squid getting yelled at by some workers. the ride stopped moving oh my cod. we're stuck here forever, we're gonna fall we're gonna-

rider couldn't finish his thought, he was cut off by something, and that something was goggles lips.

it was wonderful, well everykiss the two shared was wonderful, but this one was more what's the word? love filled??

goggles delicately pulled apart, his eyes full of wonder, "you never told me heights upset you"

"you never asked" rider looked away in embarrassment

"you should've told me" goggles used the tip of his finger to face rider back at him

"I'm weak aren't I?"

"don't say that rider, you're very strong" goggles kissed rider's cheek "and we all have our fears, you shouldn't be ashamed of them"

rider sighed, knowing the blue dork was right "I feel like I'm falling"

"then let me catch you" goggles then kissed rider on the lips again, and this time, it was more love filled then before.

the two parted their lips, softly giggling "you good?"

rider nodded "yeah, way better"

goggles looked out the window, now noticing people working on the ride, "were going to be suck up here for a while huh?" goggles kissed riders cheek again "can you make it?"

rider pulled goggles into a close snuggle hug "yeah". pffhch I mean, heights weren't THAT scary. at least I have goggles to keep me calm.

rider kissed goggles forehead

"thank you"


this was a quick little fluff fic I did in my classes,, kskhgh sorry that it's rushed

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