Saturday snow

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soft plats, that's all that can be herd from outside.

plat, plat, plat


rider stirred up from his sleep, too tired to rub his droopy eyes.
he looks around the room and sees goggles curled up by his side.
mouth drooling, hair tie off, a soft white t on him, it was a cute sight.

after being transfixed in goggles form, rider turned around to look outside their window.


it's already winter?? rider thought while moving off the bed to get a closer look.
yep, snow. I don't remember the news saying snow but whatever, rider mumbled.

even though rider acted tough, he always enjoyed winter and the festivities that came with it. hot chocolate, blanket forts, snow fights, gingerbread houses, all of those were fun. although he'll never admit it.

rider walked back to the bed and lightly tapped the shoulders of his sleeping prince.
"hey, get up sleepyhead" he softly cooed, googles let out a soft grunt and turned the other way.

rider crawled on top of googles and planted some soft kisses on goggles ear "come on cutie".

goggles pushed him off softly and went under the covers, hoping to get a few more minutes of rest. of course, rider wasn't going to let this happen.
he whipped the blankets back off, only to see goggles now in his squid form.
"fine" rider sighed snatching goggles off the bed.

he walked towards the kitchen, made himself a quick cup of coffee (goggles still in his hands) and sat down on the couch. rider took a quick sip of coffee and turned on the tv.

goggles shifted out of his squidform and wrapped himself around rider.
"lets go back to sleep" he wined while hiding his face in riders chest.
"I'm watching tv" rider responded while taking a sip of his coffee "plus it's snowing, don't you want to go outside??".

goggles looked at the clock and frowned "it's 6am why do you always wake up at this time?".
"I like waking up early" rider hummed while rubbing goggles back.
"you're weird" goggles chuckled while he fumbled up.
"you're even weirder" rider replied while moving up too while placing his drink on a table.

rider grabbed goggles hand and led him into their room again, taking out warm hoodies and jackets and tossing them on the floor.

"get dressed we're going outside" he commanded while zipping up his own jacket. goggles followed suit and the two of them went outside.

the shear cold instantly waking goggles from his tired state.
"holy zapfish it's cold" goggles quietly yelled. rider took out his hand and let little snowflakes land on his palm before putting his gloves on. "wanna go to the crust bucket and get some hot chocolate?" rider looked over at goggles who nodded a simple yes.

the two began slowly walking to the square making some cute small talk.
"oh hey rider!! wanna see something cool?" goggles nudged his partner with a wide smile. "somehow I'm going to regret this, but yes" rider looked at goggles who then chucked a snow ball in his face.

"got you" he chirped.

as the snow was falling off riders face he looked a goggles with a smug look.
goggles knowing he was about to get it, squeaked and ran off.
rider ran after him and was gaining speed before he tackled goggles into the snow.

rider laughed as he playfully ruff housed with his smaller boyfriend.
and by ruff housing, he attacked goggles with tons of face kisses.

at this point goggles was bursting of laughter with his face fully shaded blue.
rider whipped goggles up bridal style and spun him around.
"god you're so gay" goggles giggled, rider chuckled "so are you shortie".

"I'm not short" goggled snapped as rider placed him down. "sure" rider then quickly snatched the goggles of goggle's head and laughed.
goggles was jumping up and down trying to retrieve them back "why are you so tall, stop" he wined.

rider plopped them back onto goggle's head with a simple "cute" coming out of his mouth. goggles gave rider a hard look and they continued walking until they arrived to the crust bucket.

goggles took a seat at a table while rider came back with their order.
they both ordered some hot chocolate with some gingerbread treats.
since it was early in the morning, the two were able to watch the sunrise and honestly, it was stunning.

a pinkish orange tint was spread across the sky with some soft clouds adding to the beauty.
rider turned to look at goggles, who was fixated at the sight.

"you know something more beautiful then this sunset??" rider questioned, "what?" goggles responded with his mouth full of sugary treats.
"you" rider winked while holding in some laughter, "oh my god that was so cheesy" goggles snorted.

the two soon finished their breakfast and walked home

"so whats next?" Goggles asked, skipping along side rider as they walked up their doorsteps.
"I think I'm going to read, snowy weather always gets me in the mood to read.
we can go outside later if you'd like" rider opened the door, letting goggles in. goggles nodded with a smile and kicked off his heavy jacket, same with rider.

rider plucked off his shoes and flopped onto the couch with his book in hand.
goggles sat on the other side, watching him read for about five minutes before getting bored.
"what's the book about?" goggles questioned, "stages and good weapons to use with them" rider replied.

goggles looked at the ceiling before looking back at rider.
he slowly set his head onto riders chest and sighed.
he listened closely as riders stomach made weird churns.
"you're stomach is speaking to me" goggles spoke in a sorta serious tone, "that's just my stomach digesting food you idiot" rider laughed.

goggles laughed too and nodded before continuing to listen.
goggles yawned before he slowly began to plant kisses on riders stomach.
rider played with goggles hair, humming softly as goggles was kissing him.

goggles moved up and placed his head in between riders neck. rider placed down his book and cuddled up with his dorky boyfriend.

the two stayed like that for awhile, softly nuzzling each other as rider was humming a soft tune.

as he finished, he whipped up goggles up bridal style and grinned "did I mention to you how much I love you? because I fucking love you so much".

goggles laughed "I love you too ridey".
rider carried goggles to their bed, giving him lots of kisses on the way.

he then chucked goggles onto the bed and hopped on top of him, locking him into a snuggle hug.

"I'm under attack" goggles snorted,
rider laughed and played along "I got you! and you'll never be able to escape" rider teased. "oh noo!" goggles spoke sarcastically while wrapping his hands around riders sides, he looked into to riders eyes and let out a small giggle "you're such a softy".

"don't you ever say that again" rider snarked before pulling some blankets over them. "what tired?" goggles cooed,
"no, well, kinda" rider responded.
"you shouldn't get up so early" goggles smiled while taking off his hair tie, "no, your laziness is just catching onto me" rider growled.

goggles let out a pfff and cupped riders face.
"hey dork" rider smirked, "hey cutie" goggles leaned in and gave rider a quick kiss on the lips. the two pulled apart with goggles blushing a small tint of blue.

rider took notice of the cute blush and began to give slobbery kisses all over goggles face, causing him to blush even more.

"your blush is beautiful" rider purred. "noo" goggles wined, "yess" rider placed his head under the crook of goggles neck. goggles smiled and hugged rider tight.

of course he fell asleep first, rider softly kissed goggles jaw and yawned a quick goodnight. falling asleep by his side.

I can't believe I'm writing this at 1 am
god I'm gay

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