The German

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Warning: Offensive language is used frequently through out the story.

This story is not copyrighted but law but I do appreciate if you can tell me if any of my chapters have been stolen and put in someone else stories. It will be very appreciated and that person will be reported for copy right. Thank you so much for choosing to read "The German" and I hope you enjoy it.

Okay one more author note :)

I have been working on this for a while and finally...

I'm publishing the first few chapters!!! To all my friends that I always talk to about this story... The wait is over!!! Hahah and to everyone else thank you for choosing T.G to read and I hope you enjoy! :) xx


Chapter 1. "What's a Faggot."


"Miss. Lance?"

"Miss. Lance?" The voice of the principle spoke catching my attention from my day dream.

"Um yes mrs.?"

"Step into my office now!". I stood from the chair of which I sat, we'll honestly I've been in it enough times for it to practically be my chair, in fact every time I come into the student office, if someone is sitting in this chair they run for their lives. I just have to blink at them and they move.

"Why'd you do it?". Oh what have they caught me doing this time?

"Um, I didn't do it? That kid is lying? Why would I break into his locker anyway?" Trying to remember my most recent acts.

"What?". Mrs.Shazborn looks really confused.


"Julia? why are you here every week?"

"Because the teachers are bitches? because everyone annoys the shit out of me? Because I express my opinions through harsh speech and violence?" I say.

"Watch your language young lady!

You're lucky I'm friends with your mother or you would probably be expelled already!"

"Come on staci, you know you love having me in here with you!" I kicked my feet onto her desk and leaned back in the soft chairs. Staci is a family friend, we get along really well but she makes me call her by her last name at school, I never do but what ever.

"My name is Mrs.Shazborn... but I have to admit that was pretty skilled! How did you get the trolley in the tree anyway?"

"Okay so first I took the trolley then, I put it in a tree! It's not rocket science."

"Yeah but for someone with your grades it might as well be."

"We both know damn well my grades are good!"

"Yeah, yeah but Julia it just fit the moment."


To be honest Staci is one of my best friends, as she said if it wasn't for her I would be expelled already. which I probably wouldn't mind so much, but she helps to keep me out of shit with my mother, Plus I need to stay, I need to keep my grades up for uni.

"But seriously don't do it again." She states sternly and loud enough so the teachers secretly listening could hear before giving me a quite high five.

"You know I never do something twice. It's all about originality".

All of the teachers have a reputation of listening in on conversations between the principle and students, it's like there own personal old people gossip. For some reason I always get sent straight up to the principle, apparently I'm just that bad. Really I don't blame them, I won't lie I'm a bit of a shit head but it's fun. I think that Staci has actually told them to send me straight to her while having problems with me. Speaking of which I wonder if that kids hair has grown back?

"Alright you go back to class and I hope I won't see you in here at least for another week?".

"I will try Staci but can't count on it.". I gave her a quick wink before leaving her office heading towards the doors of the student office-


A hard body hits me and I fall to the ground. Nobody just knocks me over, do they even know who I am?

"Oh my god I'm so sorry ma'am, are you okay?"

A boyishly manly voice speaks and an arm extends to my aid but I smack it away before I take it. I jump to my feet and can feel all my blood boiling.

"Watch where you're going Faggot!" I snapped, finally deciding to look at the boys face. He is actually really cute but still he needs to know his god damn place.

"Faggot? whats a Faggot?". He asks pronouncing it wrong. He has a slight accent but I can't make it out.

I just give him a stern look before saying

"Forget about it, k."

I turned to leave and once I'm out the door I hear him speak again.

"Good bye ma'am".

Who even says ma'am any more?

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