11."what the fuck just happened?"

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Chapter 11: "What the fuck just happened?"
"Oh my god." "Look at her face!" "What the hell happened to her?" "Ew she looks terrible." I could hear all the whispers and gasps as I walked into school.

The swelling on my eye had gone down a little but I still had harsh bruises and cuts.

Some people had concerned looks, some's of sympathy and a few disturbed looks. Until finally my eyes landed on Crissy McNeal. She was standing in a line with all her minions pointing and laughing at me.

"Hey Bitch, you got a problem with my face?!" I snap at her.

"Yeah, looks like you're hogging all the ugly! Do share Julia you have enough to go around." Her minions laugh.

"Mean while you're hogging up all the whore. Do share you're minions need a turn too." I gave her a evil smile then turn to walk away.

"I bet it was your druggy brother that did it!" I stopped in my steps and my whole body tensed at her words.

"What did you call him?" My fist clench and jaw tightened taking ever piece of strength I have, to not punch her.

"Druggy. Brother!" I turned on my heels and my fist meet her left eye making her fly backwards onto the ground. She screamed at the impact then started crying while holding her eye.

"Oh no, what a travesty you're going to be seen wearing the same black eye as me. To bad I had it first. Everyone is gonna think you copied me. No!" I mocked in a bitchy sarcastic tone while her minions rushed her aid.

The amount of people that were already staring at me has doubled in that time.
None of them intervened except for a few shouts from the crowd (must be "friends" of Crissys) yelling "You Bitch. How dare you.". "Go Home Skank." "Get a life and stay out of Crissy's" until one recognisable voice changed the course of these comments.

"Fuck yeah Julia, Get that whore." The crowd gasped and a small whisper started to rumble. Then more voices start.
"Fuck You Crissy getting what you deserve.". "You rock Julia." "She was practically begging for it!" Everyone started joining in, clapping along with it and I felt a twitch at my lips as they started to form a smile. I felt pride in this moment, it was great.

I turned around again and this time left the scene with the sound of applause behind me.

"Damn Julia that was a nice hit." Some guy walks up behind me and pats me on the shoulder. I look up to see who it is and am surprised when I don't recognise him.

"Thanks?" I sound confused which I wasn't expecting to happen. He has short blonde hair with a black leather Jacket. Underneath, a white tank top, blue jeans with a chain, and black converse high tops.

"It's Jason Parker."

"Right..." I trailed he stared at me with cold eyes then smirked. His smirk was different to Leon's, It was... Darker.

"You're one badass chick." He chuckles and so do I.

"Yeah well it's fun."

"How'd you get so beat?" I tense up again at the thought of my brother.

"I fell."

"Bullshit." His tone stung and I stopped walking to face him.

"Excuse me?" I scowl.

"I said BULLSHIT. You are Julia Lance. No way in hell did you get that, by falling. Now the truth?"

"Please! I'm not telling some random guy, my problems." Let me just say, if looks can kill, he would be dead!

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