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Chapter 2: Leon


"Okay class we have a new student today. This is Leon. He is a German exchange student and he will be here for two semesters. I would like you all to make him feel welcome and be nice.".

Surprise surprise. It's the boy from the office yesterday. I knew he had a accent, turns out it's German.

"So Leon is there anyone in the class you have met or recognise that you would like to sit next to?" The teacher asked and he scanned the faces of everyone in the class. I sit alone at the back of the class, middle row. There is one open desk next to me but nobody will sit there because they won't leave un- what's the word- damaged in some way.

"Um I have met her, at the back." He points to me and the whole class gasps and stares at me. I give him an acknowledgment glance and then go back to filing my nails.

"Oh um, is there anyone else you-". I cut the teacher off before she can continue.

"Don't worry Mrs.Owen I will make him feel VERY welcomed."

"Well okay, take your seat then." Mrs.Owen looks so scared for his life right now. Its hilarious, surly I'm not that mean. Leon comes and sits next to me and I take my feet off his desk. The lesson started and I leaned over Leon and whispered.

"Hey faggot"

"Would you please tell me what that means?" He asks.

"It's a harsh word for gay!"

"Oh. But I'm not gay"

"And I'm not a unicorn but you could still call me one." I said and scoffed

"Oh I get it."

"So what's Germany like?". I grab his work book, take out my small pocket knife and start engraving my name in his book.

"It's nice- umm- what are you doing to my book?"

"Writing my name, can't you see?" I say while swinging my knife around dramatically.

"Why couldn't you have used a pen like a normal person?"

"Because clearly I'm not a normal person." by the time I said that I was done carving my name and handed his book back. He looked at me funny before turning his head to the board and opening his book to start working.

"What's your name ma'am?"

"Oh I'm Julia. By the way, you should consider yourself lucky, I'm not normally this nice. I'm just going easy because it's your first day and you're not from here so you don't know the food chain yet."

He stroked his hand through his brown short hair, and looked at me with his big brown eyes.

"I'm Leon." He extended his hand towards me.

"Yeah I know." I said then looked at the board again, leaving him hanging. My feet are sore. I kick them up onto Leon's lap and continue watching the teacher.

"What are you doing?"

"Resting my feet duh."

"Oh no I'm not your foot rest." and with that my feet are pushed on the ground. I pull his collar towards my face harshly and whisper in his ear.

"Listen here buddy. You decided to take my seat next to me, That is my footrest seat so now that you have taken it you will let me rest my feet on you! Got It!?"

"Got it" his voice is small and cracked, like a scared kid.

"Is there a problem Miss.Lance?" My teacher stopped her lesson and decided to pay attention to me. I'm pretty sure all the teachers have been asked to do exactly the opposite of that?!

"No! no problem. Just making sure Leon knows exactly where his place is."

She gives me a scared look before turning back to the white board.

I release his collar and put my feet back into the position they were before he threw them down. He shoots me one more nervous look and then goes back to taking down notes.

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