5. Jack Daniels

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Chapter 5: Jack Daniels

A/N: Not edited.

"You seem tense?" Leon's hands land on my shoulders and startles me. Naturally in defence I swing around and take his hands in one of mine while elbowing him in the chin.

He falls to the ground and grunts in pain.

"Heilige Scheiße, verdammt weh"

What is he even saying? some German shit. Just sounds like a bunch of geberish but thanks to his tone I can assume it is swearing? or just angry language?

"Well shit you shouldn't be touching me in the first place. You're lucky I could have done worst."

"You're such a Bitch. oh my god."

"Surprised you know that word, German."

"Trust me I know a lot more than you think."


I turn away from him and start walking to the bathroom. I didn't have time to put on make up this morning. FUCKING alarm clock not going off.

I get in the bathroom and immediately see all the skanks lined up, passing a condom to one person and some one else handing over foundation to another.

"Get out. Now. All of you.". They shoot me a dirty look but grab their shit and exit the bathroom.

I slowly apply a thin layer of toning moisturiser and then make my eyeliner perfect and thick the way I like it, before adding mascara. See with out this, I look approachable, like someone people could come and talk to if they need anything. But I really don't like people. The less the merrier.

"Can I ask you something?"

I turn around and see Leon standing in the girls bathroom, leaning against a stall.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?"

"Asking you a question."

"You have some guts for a newbie."

"Just because I'm new to this school doesn't mean I'm a mindless zombie trying to follow the crowd. Now my question. Why are you such a bitch?"

"You know, you seemed nice and sensitive the first time I met you." I say with a hint of sarcasm.

"You mean when I swept you off your feet."

"No, When you foolishly stood in the way of me- ME." I grab my stuff and push past him, getting away from the bathroom. I walk to my period one class but don't make It before seeing one of Crissy's minions. They close their bright pink locker and walk away.

I didn't realise Emilie's locker was here. Obviously this is a new opportunity for me. Everyone is already in their classes, so I grab out my pocket knife and pull it to the screw driver tool.

Quietly I loosen the screws just enough so when she tries to open it, it will just fall off.

Hopefully onto her feet and break a toe. I slip my pocket knife back into my pocket and walk to class.


"Julia, you're late." Mrs.Shela snaps.

"Care" Mrs.Shela gives me a stern, unimpressed look.

"This is unexecp-"

"Oh bite me!" I walk to my seat and just ignore her. She tries to nag me but realises pretty quick that I'm not paying attention and moves on to the lesson.

My science teacher seems to be the only one that challenges me, she actually thinks she can communicate to me, Ha, nice try miss.

*beeb beeb*

Okay who is it now?

I check my phone and it shows the little messages icon, from 'twin'.

Why is he texting me. I unlock the phone and look at the message

'Buy me a bottle of Jack before you come back would ya?!'

I reply-

'Go fuck yourself.'

I put my headphones in one ear and watch mrs as she explains something about bacteria. I should probably start paying attention. I can't fall behind on my grades or I'll never be able to cope at Charlieston university. It's my only hope for a second chance.

At least the sooner I graduate the quicker I can get out of this hell hole I call my home.


The final bell rings and I decide I will get that bottle of Jack, but not for Robbie. He should get off his pissed ass and walk to the liquor store himself, though he wouldn't get served. They don't allow intoxicated people to purchase alcohol.

I walk to the liquor store making sure I have my fake ID with me. I take the bottle off the shelf and walk to the counter.


I hand him the money.

"How old are you?" The store Clark asks

"Old enough"

"Ma'am I'm going to have to see your ID?!"

I hand over my fake ID. The guy looks around my age, maybe a bit older. Like 19-20.

"This looks like a fake ID to me." He smirks at me.

"Can I just take my drink and go."

"Sure. But only because I'm friends with Robbie."

"How do you know Robbie is my brother."

"Trust me Julia, I know you and your brother, very, well.". Okay that doesn't sound weird at all. Genuinely concerned right now. He hands me back my ID and shots me a wink before I leave the store.

Well that was strange. I'll try not to think much of it.

I take the cap off the bottle and have a sip of it straight. It is smooth and stings the back of my throat but is a lovely feeling.

"Hey slut, you gonna share that or hog it for yourself?" A voice shouts from behind me. I turn around.

"You son of a bitch. Sylvia?! Haven't seen your devilish face in a while."

Sylvia is my best friend. she dropped out in year 11 but we still hang out when we can. She is really pretty and has dip dyed her black hair, Turquoise.

"well maybe if you stopped studying and come hang out with the rest of the gang, you'd see my beautiful face more often." She shots me a inigitous smile and snatches the bottle off me.

"well you know how busy I am with school and the car. I cant just drop everything."

"what happened to the old Julia? The Julia that would sneak into the neighbours house and paint their cat pink? The Julia that would jam with us every weekend till 3 am? The Julia that would stay out partying all night and sneak into clubs? The Julia that would take Ava to-"

"That Julia died!" I snapped at her then grab the bottle back and take a huge swig.

"No. She didn't, I see you at school. You're still the same. Just more concentrated in class. Maybe I should just come back to keep you up to our standards."

"Stalker. You dropped out Sylvia. They won't accept you back. Especially at this time of the year." She scoffs

"well okay then." She takes the bottle one last time and chugs down one last gulp. "Come over one day. You need to take a break." She turns to leave but quickly stops and turns back.

"by the way, I saw your dad getting in a car with Mrs.Shela. I followed them around the corner to the back of the old warehouse. You can imagine what they did." She passes me a sympatetic look then leaves. Mrs.Shela is sort of young, early 30s. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, but isnt a model, although she is a average standard of pretty. But her... and dad?

A tear comes to my eye.

No. He doesnt deserve my tears. Hes a terrible dad any way, was never there for me. He should just leave mum already, Go fuck my science teacher instead.


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