14. Bikini shopping

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Chapter 14: Bikini shopping


"I knew you were fucking Leon!" Jason whispers and joins my side while watching TV.

Everybody is still asleep so I decided to come down and watch some TV about 20 minutes ago.

I turn around and slap him.

"I'm not fucking him, he is just doing me a big favour."

"Well clearly he is just trying to get you to screw him. Why else would he let a heartless bitch into his house.". I turn around and shoved him against the back of the chair, pinning his neck with my arm.

"You don't fucking know me, You have no right to call me a heartless bitch and I probably know Leon better than you!" I release him and continue watching American Dad.

"Bitch!" he blurts out like a little kid then runs away to his room down the hall.

Sandra is walking up the other side in a silk dressing gown.

"Good morning Dear! You can help yourself to some breakfast. I would cook but I have a doctors appointment in 20 minutes." She smiles at me.

"Thank you Mrs.Parker."

"Dear, just call me Sandra." She smiles at me.

Sandra turns back to the hall and disappears into her room.

I walk into the kitchen to the massive cupboard. I open the door and reveal bulks of food. A whole shelf for chips, a whole shelf for cereal, baking foods, seasonings, drinks, canned food. Every Item type has it's own shelf.

I move towards the cereal shelf and spot my favourite, Weetbix. I take out the box and find the bowls, poping two Weetbix into the bowl. I place the cereal box back and open the fridge to find the milk.

I pull out the milk and place it next to my bowl before spinning back to the fridge where I saw a giant container of strawberries, Yum. Moved to the fruit bowl and grab out a banana. Carefully I cut half the banana into thin strips and have them fall over the Weetbix then eat the rest. I take out 4 straberries, wash them, cut them into strips too, letting them fall into the bowl. I drown it in milk.

Something is missing?

I place the milk and strawberries back, then open the cupboard again to the baking shelf and find the sugar. Using a small spoon I sprinkle a little sugar over it all to make it extra sweet, then place the sugar container back.

Dayum this looks good.

I sit back down in the living room and continue watching my cartoons.

"Guten morgen." Leon sits next to me on the couch looking all cheerful...

And shirtless.

"Hey." I smile at him and shovel another spoon full of mushy Weetbix and banana into my mouth.

"Okay. It's a Saturday, you've had a tough week, let's do something fun!" He announces. His hand reaches for my bowl where he takes a spoonful for himself.
I slap his chest, feeling his skin tense under my hand.

"Like what?"


"I'm not going in." I moan while sitting in the car parked outside my driveway.

"You have to get them or we can't go."

"I don't want to risk it." I whine. I'm not going back into that house. I am prepared to never return and just leave all my things in there.

"Fine!" He gives up and starts the ignition again.

"Looks like we're going shopping." He smirks then takes off.


We arrive at Glenbrook mall. Leon gets out of the car and signals me to get out.

"No!" I yell

"Get out of the car." His voice was stern and cold. It scared me.

Resentfully I opened the door and stepped out. He locked the car then walked towards the mall where the lingerie store is.

He walks into the store but I stop outside of it, cross my arms and stare at him.

"Why can't I just do what I did yesterday?" I say and tap my foot on the ground.

He stopped walking and turned around to me.

"Because I know for a fact you only have 2 bras on you. One is wet and the other you're currently wearing. Now you are getting a free bikini right now don't you think you should be grateful." I tap my finger to mouth in a thinking stance.

"So you're paying?"


"And I can chose anything in the store?"


"Okay let's do it." Free bikini, Hell Yeah.

I start towards the store excitedly-

"Under one condition." He stops me with his finer in the middle of my chest.

"You move that finger before I break it!" I snap and he flings has hand to his side.

"Now, your 'condition' " I use air quotation marks to make it effective.

"You have to model each bikini you try, for me."

"Or, or. I could just take your money and leave."

"You wouldn't do that."

"What makes you think I wont." I lean towards him intimidatingly crossing my arms.

"Because you love the attention I'm giving you and as far as I'm concerned I'm enjoying supplying it."

"Oh Please! You're just some guy from a different country. You mean nothing to me." I spat venom from my words. I could see they stung as he flinched a little.

His eyes narrowed and went cold.

"That makes sense since you came running to me when you got beat up. And you bailed me out of the fines I had and jail. And who could forget that you took me to meet your father and bestfriends. And stripped on the beach for me. " He snapped obviously angry at me.

"Maybe I was just being polite." I snap.

"was ist los mit dir!" He shouts and throws his hands up in frustration. "Maybe I should just kick you out of my house." He snaps back but colder.

I drop my arms in defeat and lighten up my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whisper looking at my feet.

"No" he says

"No?" I question.

"No way did the great Julia Lance just apologise."

"Are you going to accept it or not?" I scowl.

"I accept your apology. Now-" he walks into the store and pulls a pink and purple floral bikini off the shelf.

"this is cute." He says and winks at me.

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