Mycroft's Niece pt.2

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Sherlock was playing Danse Macabre on the violin, John was in the hospital and she was in her crib, trying to fall asleep to Sherlock's music. It was taking longer and longer to get her to sleep, she had been having a lot of nightmares which resulted in her sleeping in John and Sherlocks's bed with them. Sherlock finished the song and put his violin down, she moaned fearfully. ''It's okay sweetheart,'' he said brushing his fingers against her cheek, she grabbed his hand as he tried to pulled away. ''How about this,'' he asked, ''I'll stay here and rub your back until you fall asleep and then I'll stay here until you wake up. That way your never alone.'' She smiled behind her dummy and let go of his hand. ''Roll over baby,'' she did so and he ran his fingers over her back, soon he heard her breath level out into sleep. Then there was a light knock at the door.

''Mycroft, what are you doing here?'' Sherlock asked the man at the door, ''House visit little brother,'' he said walking past Sherlock into the flat. ''Keep your voice down she's sleeping,'' ''Oh I know, creature of habit babies are. Last time I was here she was going down then too.'' ''Great so you've figured out her schedule, that doesn't tell me why your here.'' Sherlock said sitting in his chair, ''I told you, house visit.'' Mycroft said sitting across him, ''We haven't spoken since i came over and that was weeks ago, just making sure your keeping out of trouble.'' ''You mean staying sober?'' Sherlock snapped. They stared at one another for a moment "Oh come on Sherlock, Moriarty's been quiet since we found her, you've had no cases that aren't transparent and you spend most of your time here. You expect me to believe you haven't touched anything?'' Mycroft said. "Not even a nicotine patch.'' Sherlock replied calmly. Mycroft starred at him inquisitively, ''Well, I say. She may be more helpful than I first thought.'' He just stat there, Sherlock could see something in him, he knew he didn't want Sherlock to know but he had already guessed it. ''Do you want to see her Mycroft?'' He asked the older man, he looked at him but Mycroft didn't answer. ''Come brother,'' Sherlock said getting up, ''I just got her to go to sleep so be quiet.'' Mycroft followed Sherlock into where she was sleeping.

When they walked into her room she was laying on her back, dummy still in her mouth and clutching her blankie. Sherlock saw on Mycroft's face that he was taken back but in a good way, Sherlock walked over to the crib and stroked her face, she nuzzled into the touch. Sherlock beckoned over Mycroft, he walked over to the crib and peered into it. ''She looks so peaceful, how do make her feel so?'' he whispered. ''We love her,'' Sherlock whispered back still looking at her.

Sherlock's phone rang from the next room so he went to fetch it before it woke her up, Mycroft stayed in her room and copied what Sherlock did by running his hand over her cheek. He could hear Sherlock from the lounge, ''Hello John...Oh...No I can't...She's sleeping, if I wake her up she'll never go back down and she'll be moody...No I know it's vital...Just leave it with me I'll figure something out.'' Mycroft left her room and saw Sherlock in his chair in his mind palace, ''Is everything alright?'' He asked him, Sherlock moved his hands down and looked at his brother, ''I need to go to the new crime scene but I can't leave her alone and I can't wake her up either.'' Mycroft thought for a moment, ''How long will you be out?'' ''An hour at most.''Mycroft thought again then said something neither of them was expecting, ''I can watch her.'' There was a pause as Sherlock looked at his older brother and stood up, ''Are you sure Mycroft?'' he asked. ''Well you put her down 10 minuets ago so she'll be sleeping mostly I imagine,'' ''Yes probably. Well, ring me if anything happens. I doubt she'l wake up before I'm back but I'll try and be quick.'' Sherlock said picking up his jacket and getting ready to leave. Just before he walked out the door he looked back on Mycroft, ''Promise me you'll  look after her,'' ''I promise to look after my niece.'' Mycroft replied, and with that Sherlock left.

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