Mycroft's Niece pt.4

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"Mycroft...How in god's name did you..?" Sherlock stood there gob smacked staring at the least paternal man he had ever met with a baby in his arms who 10 minuets ago was screaming like she was being stabbed. And yet her in his arms with a bottle, Mycroft looked in place, like he perfectly fit in this picture. Mycroft smiled at his little brother's confusion as John walked in, he looked as confused as Sherlock but seemed to have processed it a lot quicker than Sherlock was, "Well, you two looked comfortable" he said, Mycroft looked back at Sherlock "Like I told you, little brother, babies are creatures of habit. It wasn't hard to figure out she needed changing and a bottle to calm her down." She groaned as she finished her bottle, Mycroft stood up and placed her on his hip as he walked into the kitchen, Sherlock and John followed him. "You know I can burp her" Sherlock said looking uncomfortable, moving to take her. Mycroft turned slightly and said "No I've got it" as he grabbed one of her cloths and threw it over his shoulder. John and Sherlock looked more surprised as he began to pat her back until she burped and spit up some milk. He took the cloth away from his shoulder and turned her around, she immediately wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck.

"So you just guessed that she needed changing and feeding and then fixed that?" Sherlock asked in disbelief, "Yes" Mycroft answered, "And you were fine with changing her nappy?" Sherlock asked in the same tone, "Yes" Mycroft answered in the same tone. Sherlock just stared at him like he had no idea who he was, "I know I've said I was never good with people  but what was the alternative? Have a girl screaming, terrified and wet? And you know what? It's kind of nice to take care of her, even the dirty work." John looked at Sherlock who still couldn't process what his brother was saying. Eventually he noticed the look on John's face, "What?" he asked sharply, "You know what I'm thinking Sherlock." "He can't do that, he's had her one afternoon!" She moaned a bit, she was currently laying in Mycroft's arms on the sofa, dozing. After her scare earlier she was quite tired. "Excuse us a second Mycroft" John said as he dragged Sherlock into their room, shutting the door behind them. 

"He's not watching her that long, one afternoon and your saying he can look after her for two days!" Sherlock said dramatically, John sighed and rubbed his eyes, "You need to calm down Sherlock. It's not going to be two days, you'll be here on Saturday morning and I can go back early on Sunday so it's only one night. He'll only have to do things he's done today, he's already proven that he can do it, and she's comfortable with him." Sherlock still looked uncomfortable with the thought of leaving his baby with his older brother, "Look Sherlock," he said putting his hand on the other mans shoulder, "she'll be fine. He can do it, he said so himself he likes it. Worst comes to worst you can drive back in the night." Sherlock sighed, for a moment he was quiet and then he said "Okay" quietly. 

"Did you mean what you said about calling you if I need help?" Sherlock asked Mycroft as he took the sleeping girl out of his hands so he could leave. "Of course," he replied "what do you need?" he asked walking to the door. "Me and John were talking about going up north for a case so we'll be gone for a day or two. We were wondering if you could watch her?" "Mycroft thought for a moment, "When?" he asked, "This weekend?" Sherlock replied bouncing lightly on his feet. "Okay, what time should I be over?" "1 if that's okay, just before she wakes up from her nap." "Okay I'll be here" Sherlock saw him out and closed the door behind him.

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