Chapter 3

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Peeta POV

Who was that girl? I remember dad telling me about new neighbours but he didn't tell me they have a daughter.

A beautiful daughter...

No, stop Peeta! you don't even know her.

But she was pretty. Her brown hair was braided to the side of her head. She was different, not like others. She was wearing a brown leather jacket that looked amazing on her.

Well, they are coming round later. Dad said they have already been living in District 12.

I think her mother got remarried? I don't know. I don't want to pry on their business.

I hear footsteps and turn around to see Dad walk in. He is so nice unlike my mother. My mother hates me. And beats me... I guess she was angry. When I was born she was hoping for a girl but she got stuck with me.

But my father, he is the complete opposite. He cares for me like no one else has and for that I'm thankful. I can't imagine life without him.

"Have you seen them?" he says.

"No but I have seen the girl, she looks nice." I reply.

"Maybe you could be friends with her? I hear she is the same age as you and will be joining Panem High" Dad says, " I was talking to her mother just a minute ago."

"Ah right. So are they coming round?" I ask.

"Yep at 6:00. So you better get ready!" and with that he leaves the room.

I look at my alarm clock and it reads 5:00. When I am not at school, I am mostly at the bakery. I love the bakery. It's the one place that everyone loves me.

I take a quick shower seeing that I am covered in flour and head to my wardrobe to fin something to wear.

Something smart and presentable yet casual. I don't want it to look like I've tried to hard.

I finally settle for a white polo shirt and cream, pastel coloured shorts seeing as it was quite warm outside.

I brush my hair to the side and head downstairs.

"Wow" I say as I enter the dining room. I see that my parents have set up ranges of dishes for the neighbours and it smells wonderful!

"You better not mess this up," Mum says "I want a good first impression. No messing about or causing trouble. I know what your like."

She walks away just as Dad comes up to me and says "Don't worry about her."

This is what I love about Dad, he always know what to say.

I am about to sit down when the doorbell rings.

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