you + me = world war 3... (chapter = 4)

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"Mr. George look up." I spoke through the microphone. He lifted his face up and when his eyes landed over me, relief washed over his face. I threw the bag to him and he caught it.

I was about to climb out of the window when i felt someone standing behind me. I turned around and came face to face with.....


Carol's P.O.V.

I turned around and came face to face with, one and only, C.R. He was standing there staring daggers at me. I peeked through the window to find Mr. George, but he was long gone leaving me here alone. Wow! Bravest person in the world. I gulped, but didn't showed that i was afraid.

"OMG! What did u steal... you thief!"C.R. said through clenched teeth.

"I'm not a thief." I yelled.

"Oh really?! Then what are you? A fairy!" He yelled back.

"Nope, i'm a journalist." I said in low voice, not wanting him to hear but he did heard because his eyes went wide with shock.

"Carol Jones." He said, breathless. Wow! nice guess.

"How can you say?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because she's the only one person who have the guts to enter in my life without my permission and now in my house." He said fuming with anger. Wow! He really hates me.

"Yeah that's the thing. I'm very brave actually." I said smiling proudly at myself.

"Oh! If you are so brave then why don't you go and join the army, and leave me alone!" He said through clenched teeth.

"Because i want to become number one journalist in the world and i can't do that if i'll join the army. Simple!" I said in a calm voice.

He glared at me, then his face changed into thoughtful one.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" He asked eying me suspiciously. I'm so dead now! So instead of coming up with a smart reply, i kept my mouth shut. Assuming that i'm not going to answer he continued.

"Let me guess, You have failed to click my picture with my new girlfriend. It means this time, i won!" He said with a huge smirk on his face. And his Ego increased by 100 points.

And my anger level started increasing.

"Sorry to spoil your happy moment but i have already clicked your picture. Don't forget to buy our magazine, there will be another surprise for you in it." I said crossing my arms over my chest. And with that started the glaring competition between me and him.

"Hey C.R. done with the sho-" A guy came in and when he saw me standing there with him, he stopped in the mid sentence.

He was kind of cute with sparkling blue eyes and high cheek bones, but who cares, friends of players are always players.

Right then i saw him checking me out, see! i said so. I glared at him earning a wink in return.

"Wow! man who's this hot stuff ?" He asked C.R. his eyes still roaming on my body making me feel disgusted.

But his 'C.R.' was to busy in glaring at me to pay attention to him.

"You know what! I'm going to purpose Andrea day after tomorrow and i want you to take our picture when i will slip the ring in her finger." He said and laughed bitterly.

"Sure why not. Don't bother about me just start bothering about yourself. Bye!" I said through clenched teeth and stormed out.

I was so lost in my anger that i didn't even acknowledged when i reached my house. I silently sneaked into my room. I was too tired to think about anything so i just jumped on my bed and let the sleep consume me.

Christopher's P.O.V.

I was still standing at the same spot glaring at the door through which she walked out.

"So are you going to tell me the name of that beauty or not?" Justin asked with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Carol Jones." I hissed in anger.

"Hey man! Don't get angry at me. What can i do, she's hot." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Justin, she's my enemy and you are my best friend. So in short, you should not be praising her." I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Come on! Don't glare at me. She's your enemy not mine, i'm planing on having some other relation with her." He said with a wink.

"Well ok then. The day you started a relation with her, forget that you even know me." I said in a calm voice.

"Man! I was just joking." He said raising his hands in surrender.

'Ok ! ok! I'm tired." I said and walked to my room.

"Yeah ok then good night." He said walking to the door.

"Good night sweet dreams." I said and jumped into my bed.

"Yeah, sweet dreams ...... of ..... Carol Jones." He said and ran out of the room, laughing like a maniac, before i could have replied.

I sighed heavily and closed my eyes, falling into a dreamless sleep.

sorry it's short....

next chapter will be long... i promise...

bye for now ..take care..

luv Dreamer37 :)

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