chapter = 10

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Chapter = 10

Carol's P.O.V.

I was siting on my bed, glaring at the wall with a blade in my hand. I want to die. Please God take me now!!! My hand was shaking violently as i dig the blade into my wrist. I made a small cut and soon blood starting seeping through it. Omg!!! It hurt like hell!!! I threw the blade aside and ran to the washroom. I bandaged my cut and walked back to the bed.

Wait a minute, why should i die? He destroyed my life. He should die, yeah i will kill him!

'God what did i do?? Why me?? A day before yesterday i was a successful journalist and now i'm just normal girl who's marrying a celebrity. No that's not just it, I'm marrying my worst enemy, the guy i'll murder without any regret.'

I was talking to God looking up, when my phone started vibrating.

'Guess i'll talk to you later.' I said, groaning inwardly.

I don't feel like talking to anyone. I glared at my phone waiting for it to burn down into ashes but i'm not psychic so that never happened.

I glared at it for some more time, then picked it up.

"Hello!!" I said in a bored tone.

"Hey." Came an unknown voice.

"Who's this?" I said getting confused. Why the hell didn't i checked the number before picking up, stupid me.

"It's me, Justin." He said chuckling.

"OMG!!! Justin Beiber??! Argh!!! Why in the hell every celebrity is bugging me?!?" I said in an irritated voice.

"No... i'm not Justin Beiber, I'm Justin Stuart. Christopher's best friend, remember? We met in his washroom." He said laughing.

"Why in the hell are you calling me?" I said getting more irritated.

"Hey, calm down. You both have fight with each other, not with me!! So please stop yelling." He said.

"Whatever! What do you want now?" I said in a cold tone.

"Actually, C.R. wants to meet you..... you know... um... to sort everything out." He said in a nervous voice.

"When and where?" I said in a bored tone, but inside i was happy as hell. He's finally getting his senses back.

"Today at 5'o clock in the evening at Rawn's Cafe." He said.

'Tell her not to be late, i have some work to do , i'm a busy man not like her.' Another voice said, the voice of my soon to be husband. Argh!!!

"Um... don't be lat-"

"Tell him i won't be late but he should be there on time too." I said through clenched teeth.

"Um.. ok i'll tell him. Hey, Are you free tomorrow evening?" He asked in low voice.

"Um... yeah i'm free. Why are you asking?" I said raising an eyebrow, he can't see but i can't help it, it's natural.

"Um... I-I... was.. wondering if you would like to .... you know.. um... maybe you would liketogooutwithme" He said the last words too fast for my brain to register them.

"Huh?!" I said scrunching my face in confusion.

"I was saying that would you like to go ou-" There was a loud thud on the other end.

"Hellooo.... anybody there? Are you ok??" I asked.

"Just be there and stop flirting with my best friend." Another voice said, the voice i hate the most right now. I wish he was in front of me so that i could have stabbed him.

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