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Carol's P.O.V.

I walked to my office with a huge smile on my face. I was feeling really happy because of my little victory last night. And everything was looking so beautiful today. I sighed heavily and stepped inside the office and my smile turned into a frown. Office was empty, there was no one, no noise just a creepy silence. I checked the day and date, thursday. Last time i checked there was no holiday declared on thursday.

I walked to my cabin and placed my files on my table. After sitting there for ten minutes, I walked out to check again if anyone has arrived or not. Still no luck. I was about to walk into my cabin when i saw Mr. George's secretary, Miriam coming out of her office. Thank God today is not holiday.

"Hello Miriam." I said smiling sweetly. She turned towards me and froze at the spot, her eyes ready to pop out.

I stared at her in confusion.

"Are you okay?" I asked shaking her lightly.

She stared at my hand, which was on her shoulder, with horror in her eyes and then stared back at me. Then out of nowhere she screamed almost bursting my ear drums, through her files at me and ran out of the office as if she has seen a ghost.

ok that was far more than weird. I think she need a some medical help. I heard someone's footsteps coming towards me, i turned my face to see, 'Carter' coming towards the office. He was too busy texting on his phone that he didn't noticed me standing. It's actually very unusual on his part, he's the playboy of our office, always try to flirt with me, asking me out on a date. He is good looking actually, but i'm not interested, i don't do players.

"Hey Carter." I said in a calm voice.

He lifted his face up, as soon as his eyes landed on me, he froze at his spot just like Miriam. His phone fell out of his hand and his eye went wide with horror.

What the hell! Is today's day has declared to be 'Stare at Carol with horror' day.

I stood there tapping my foot impatiently waiting for him to say something. After waiting for five minutes, i walked to him and poked him with my finger, with that he fell on the ground. Oh yeah! great! he fainted.

I was getting angry now. Then i heard Mr. George's voice, coming right through his office. I walked more closer to the door and started listening.

"My friends, Carol was a great Journalist, she was like a second daughter to me. 'Awww.... Mr. George is so nice.....

Wait! did he just said 'was a great journalist'. Is he firing me? He can't do that, what did i do? That's it. I opened the door and entered his office, whole staff was present there. Mr. George was standing with his back towards me so he didn't noticed me coming. But as soon as other staff saw me they stared at me, just like Miriam and Carter.

"We can never forget her. I know C.R. hated her too much and he might have murdered her by now. But i'll not let him walk free, he'll get his punishment." Mr. George continued his speech. So he thought i'm dead! Ok that explain everyone's reaction. See! I told you my boss is totally crazy.

"Ummm... Mr. George?" I said coldly.

He stopped and sighed.

"I think i'm going mad, i just heard her voice." He said laughing sadly. He really need some medical help.

I walked and stood in front of him.

"I'm going for a medical check up. Now i'm seeing her, standing right in front of me." He said eying me suspiciously. I groaned. Where was he when God was distributing 'brain'?

"Mr. George actually, She's not dead. We all can see her." Jenifer, my colleague said, rolling her eyes.

Mr. George's frown turned into a smile.

"Thank God you are ok." He said smiling at me.

Then he glared at others and said, " Why are you all standing here wasting time, go back to your work." Everyone hurried out of the office.

"But how did u managed to get away?" He asked looking at me.

"It's a secret sir. Anyways it's not important. So where is my camera and those diaries?" I asked smiling.

"Here are your things." He said handing my camera and diary to me.

"So let's go then because he's planning on purposing Andrea tomorrow." I said.

We arrived at Mr. George's house and found Andrea on phone with her beloved 'Cristie'. When she saw us coming she disconnected the phone, smiled at Mr. George and glared at me. She was wearing a tight blouse and tight office skirt. I'm amazed; how can she breath? When my eyes landed on her heels, i was haunted by the worst thoughts. Her heels were sharp and long like a stake, what if she stepped on someone's feet i'm damn sure those heels are gonna pierce right through their skin. But it will be fun if she stepped on C.R's feet.Oh i so wish she do that. I was smiling ear to ear with that thought.

Someone cleared their throat, giving a red light to my thoughts. I looked up and saw Mr. George and Andrea staring at me as if i was crazy.

"Uhh.... sorry. Please carry on sir." I said composing myself.

"Andrea we can prove it to you that he's just using you." Mr. George said handing over the diary to her.

"This is his diary, written by none other than him. You can match the handwriting if you still don't believe." Mr. George continued, with concerned look on his face. Andrea was going through the diary with shocked expression on her face.

"Why are you doing all this dad?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Because i love you. You are my daughter, my little girl. I don't want you to be heart broken because of that guy." Mr. George said with his eyes filled with concern and love.

"Dad i love u." Andrea said embarrassing Mr. George in a warm hug.

I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.

"He's going to purpose me tomorrow. You just wait and watch what i'm gonna do. Carol, you will come with me and don't forget to bring your camera." Andrea said with anger flowing through her.

"Yes mam!" I said and smiled, satisfied with my work.

I'm really gonna enjoy what's gonna happen tomorrow. Yeah! I'm so evil. So once again, 'Carol' saved the day. You are such a loser C.R.

Phew!!! finally!!! over with this chapter after going through a lot of trouble.

I'll be uploading 'My Angel' next to next week.... PINKie PROMISE!!!

love u all.... <3

- dreamer37 ;)

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