Chapter 4

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Lily's POV

Faith and I are so happy to be staying with Clary and her mother. Everyone here is so nice. We have to go to school again in an hour and I'm waiting for everyone to come down for breakfast. I woke up early this morning for some unknown reason. I waited for around half an hour until I decided to go up and just wake them up. "Wake up you lazy people", I said in a loud but not a mean tone. They came out and started to get ready. We sat down together at the table for breakfast and chatted. Everyone is still half asleep so we were moving very slowly.

Once we were out of the door, Jace and the others were waiting in the car for us. We hopped in and went on our way to school.

Once we arrived, the bell had gone already so we each rushed off to our lockers and into class. We were all in the same class so the teacher wasn't too happy about all of us coming to class late. We tried to make an excuse but she wouldn't listen so she gave us all detention. We all slowly made our way over to our chairs and sat down. We were really annoyed because we had planned to all meet up at Izzy and Alec's house this afternoon but instead we'd have to stay in detention for a whole hour under a teachers supervision.

We sat in class, hardly paying attention and quietly whispering to each other until class had finally finished. The day seemed to go very slowly. Classes were boring and the teachers weren't very nice. When the day had finished, we all gathered together and walked to the detention room. We sat there for what seemed like ages. The teacher seemed to stare at us with a hateful stare, making us really uncomfortable.

-After Detention on the way home-

Clary's POV

On the way home, a strange man in a dark hood comes towards us with an unusual sword that I'd never seen before. My body instantly went into panic mode. Everyone told me to stay behind them and they take out the same glowing swords and they had pointed their glowing swords at the man. Then the man spoke.

"Little shadowhunters, you have so much anger flowing through you, I am Freddy Diablo," Freddy says with a side smile."Back off you know that this city is not for circle members," Jace says still pointing the glowing sword at Freddy. "I am only here for Sebastian and Valentine and yes they are both still alive, you're most welcome Clary," Freddy says looking at all of them, "How do you know my name and what the hell is going on, you all have a lot of explaining to do," I say from behind Jace.

-Back at Clary's home-

No one's POV

As Clary walked through the front door with everyone crowding around her as if she was a celebrity, she pushed her way out of the circle "ok since now I am home you have a lot of explaining to do, especially Faith and Lily since you two are my family," Clary says to them. At that moment, Jocelyn had come from the kitchen to them, "you guys really don't know how to keep her safe from the world we are living in," Jocelyn says looking at the others angrily. After an hour or two they had finished explaining to Clary what just happened and what she is. "Clary I did not want to tell you at all, I had wanted you to have a normal life, not fighting demons and putting yourself in harm's way," Jocelyn says to Clary after Jace, Izzy, and Alec had left.

-30 minutes later-

No one's POV (still)

Clary was laying down on her bed until she hears a knock at her door, she then gets up and walks over to open it. There stand Faith and Lily. They grab her arms and pull Clary downstairs to where Jocelyn was sitting. 'Why are you dragging me down here, I just want to be alone," Clary says trying to stop them pulling her over to her mum. "Clary," two people say at the same time. The voice had come from the kitchen, as they come out of the kitchen and she quickly realizes it's Jace and Izzy. "What are you two doing here, can I just be left alone," Clary says trying to go back to her room, but Faith and Lily stop her. "Sorry, but this is important and you might want to sit down".

Clary sits down on the sofa and everyone else sits down around her with serious expressions. "So who is going to explain what happened and what the hell is going on," Clary says. They had started talking about how Clary is a shadowhunter and how her father is the villain in the shadow world.

Izzy and Jace had gone home when Jocelyn had let them know it was late, Faith and Lily were in their room along with Clary in her room, but then Jocelyn was still up worrying what would happen. Clary wasn't very sure and was still taking everything in. She couldn't believe that what seemed like a fairly normal life had turned into something completely different.


Hey guys,

Sorry for not updating soon Lily has had her assessments and Faith is a bit lazy to update and write a story (Faith edits the story because Lily comes up with the ideas and writes it with Faith's help).

Wow, thanks, Lily. Put me out in the clear.... haha

(Faith) I promise that I'll update as soon as I can. I probably have been pretty lazy but there should be a new chapter out pretty soon. Also, like our character named Freddy Diablo that we came up with? It's a pretty weird but funny name but if you don't like it, we are up for any other name suggestions in the comments.

Who is your fav ShadowHunter?

Thanks again for reading!


Faith and Lily

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