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Wedding day......

Lena's POV

This is it. The day when I was getting married. The day When I was gonna say the words I wanna say to my love. The day when it will be announced that my surname is already Park. The day that I will be forever with Jimin until my last breath......

I looked at my reflection to the mirror. With my make up on and my beautiful wedding dress on... I can't believe its today. Time passed quick isn't it? A tear rolled down my cheek as I imagine our future.

"Yah! Don't cry! You're make up will be broken!" Hazel said to me from behind.

The girls are all here, supportung me.

"Yah! Let's go! We'll be late!" Stephanie said and we quickly get to the bridal car.

I breath deeply cause I'm really nervous. Minutes later, we already came. My heart can't stop beating really fast. I get out of the car and gulp. This is it. The big doors suddenly opened. I saw a long red carpet that leads to the man of my life. I slowly walk while looking at his beautiful eyes. He was also staring at me and showed his sweetest smile. I then came to the end of tge aisle and it's time for the vows.

"Do you, Park Jimin, take Kim Lena as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"Do you, Kim Lena, take Park Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"I may now present you as husband and wife!"

"You may know kiss the bride!"

Jimin looked at me and smiled. He caressed my cheek and brought our faces closer to each other until our lips met.

"We're so proud of you Jimin!! Congratulations!!" We heard the boys cheered for us.

Jimin pulled away and looked at the visitors. I became shocked when he suddenly screamed.

"THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" He said and the visitors cheered more.

Then he looked at me and give me a small peck again.

"I will always love you and I promise that. If I ever broke that promise, I won't ever forgive myself." He said and kissed me again.

"I love you too....." I said.

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