• e l e v e n •

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Millie's POV:


Today was the day. New York Fashion Week.

And I was dragging Noah there with me.

Technically, the Calvin show we're going to isn't until tomorrow, but this was the only flight that had a seat available for Noah.

"NOAH!" I opened my door, yelling across the condo, "IF YOU DON'T GET UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!"

His and Gaten's door swung open, revealing a grouchy Noah.

"Sleep well?" I asked nervously.

"Does it look like it?" he replied sarcastically with disgust.

"Just get ready, we have to leave for the airport in half an hour," I informed him, and he sighed dramatically.

He nodded his hand and gripped the door knob, locking himself in his room.

I was already ready. I was wearing my plain red hoodie, my black Nike's, and my favourite sweatpants that Finn bought me from a Roots store in Canada. We were travelling somewhere for press, but we had a layover in Canada so he bought me some sweatpants and now I wear them all the time.

I took the white scrunchie off my wrist, and tied my hair up in a messy bun. Noah's door swung open, and he was also wearing his comfortable airplane outfit.

I gave him a nod, and we grabbed our duffle bags, heading out the door.

"Wait!" Noah exclaimed, and I turned around in the doorway.

"We have to leave a note or else they won't know why we're gone," he explained.

"Right," I nodded, re-entering our condo. I grabbed a pad of paper and a Sharpie, and set the paper down on the kitchen counter. I started to write.

'Sadie, Gaten, Caleb, Finn: Millie and Noah gone to New York for fashion week.' I wrote.

'Love, Millster & Schnipper'  I signed, smiling at our nicknames we gave each other.

"Alright, now we can go," I sighed, following Noah out the door. The door works like a hotel door; you use a key to enter, and don't have to lock it when you leave, although you can if the electronic entry isn't working.


"Flight 315 to New York City is now boarding," an Australian accent stated over the airport intercom, "We would now like to board first and business class."

"That's us!" I whispered excitedly to Noah, who looked like he was going to throw up.

"It's okay, remember? These pilots wouldn't have their jobs if they wouldn't keep us all extremely safe," I reassured him. 

Noah is extremely afraid of flying. He's seen a whole team of doctors and therapists, because since he's a celebrity he travels a lot, but nothing can help him. All anyone can do is comfort him.

Noah gave me a quick nod, and stood up from the airport seating chair. We threw our backpacks over our shoulders, and walked briskly up to the gate. 

As usual, when we gave the attendant our passports and boarding passes, they immediately recognized us and sometimes went full on fangirl. This time, the pair of attendants asked for a selfie with us, which made me smile.

We gave them a quick thank you as they gave us back our documents, and headed down the extended hallway to the plane. Suddenly, Noah came to an abrupt stop.

"You okay?" I asked, questioning his movement.

"M-Millie I can't do this," he said anxiously, his voice and whole body trembling.

"Noah, listen to me. I know you can do this. You just need to believe me," I said, a slight sternness seeping into my tone.

"Come on," I smiled, lightening up in attempt for him to do the same. The best I got was a sad smile, but that's better than a nervous breakdown for sure.

We stepped onto the aircraft, and located our seats easily. I was lucky enough to book a seat for Noah right beside mine, which was insane because it was a last minute decision to drag him along, after I found out none of my family were coming.

It was set up with two seats side by side on either side of the aisle. I plopped down in the window seat, knowing that Noah hates seeing himself so high up in the air.

Noah sat down, almost looking green. He placed his forearm on the arm rest, and I reached over and held his arm gently. He looked over at me, and took a deep breath in, and a long exhale.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 85A with service from Atlanta to New York City," a flight attendant came over the intercom, "We are currently second in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time," the woman announced, and Noah flinched. 

"We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and stow all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Mountain Airlines. Enjoy," she finished, and Noah grabbed a stress ball out of his bag before shoving it weakily under his seat.

A few minutes later, we reached the runway and began to speed up. Noah gripped my hand in his tightly, and squeezed his blue stress ball in the other. I watched as his face tense up when I heard the engines roar. He closed his eyes hard, clenching all the muscles in his body. My hand hurt so badly.

We lifted off and began the climb to cruising altitude, and I felt Noah relax completely. Like, fully just loosen everything. I looked him over.

He passed out.

"Noah!" I whisper screamed into his ear. He jolted back to consciousness, at first confused, but then terror swept over his face as he realized where we were. 

"It's okay Noah, you passed out, but it's going to be fine, okay?" I told him, his eyes welling with tears.

I heard the seatbelt sign turn off, and an announcement start over the intercom. But I wasn't listening. 

I pulled up the armrest between us, and took off my seatbelt. I scooted over to Noah, and swung my leg over him so I was straddling his lap. He looked up at me, wet eyes glossed over with tears, paired with confused and furrowed brows. He tenderly placed his hands on my waist.

I reached behind him, and hugged him tightly, pressing our bodies together like I would never let him go. Ever.

I felt his arms wrap around me tighter, and the side of my neck become damp. I didn't care. All I did was rub my hands soothingly on the surface of his back.


A/N: yikes poor Noah wow that was depressing to write

Also sorry for not updating last night, I fell asleep lol.

Maybe I'll do a double update tonight?

(also thank you for 315 reads!!!)

All for now,

- K

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