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Millie's POV:

I held Noah's hand as the plane touched down in Los Angeles. We're here.

It was five o' clock, so we had an hour and a half until we had to be at the Netflix party.

"You did great this flight, Noah!" I congratulated him with a pat on the back.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

The plane arrived at the gate, and we all stood up to get out carry-ons. We were all pretty spread out throughout first class, so we decided to just meet up when we got into the airport.

I got into the aisle, and moved at a steady speed in the line, Noah following behind me since we got to sit beside each other. I got out of the plane and attachment piece, and waited at the gate opening for Sadie, Caleb and Gaten.

They appeared one by one, and we all walked briskly to the baggage claim. Our bags came surprisingly quickly, and I grabbed my suitcase off the conveyor belt. Once everyone had their luggage, we all rolled our bags to the front of the airport. I spotted a taxi van, and called it over. The driver got out and took our bags in the trunk of the van while we climbed in. Caleb pulled out his phone and told him the address of our hotel. 

I looked out the window as we drove through the busy LA streets. I love this city. 

We pulled up at the hotel, and the driver helped us with our bags again. Gaten paid him, and thanked him for the ride. 

"Nice hotel, Millie," Caleb stated, eyeing the building up and down.

"Thank my parents, not me," I said, rolling my suitcase behind me as I walked into the lobby. We checked in, and the receptionist handed a couple of room keys to Sadie.

I pressed the button for the elevator, and we all piled in tightly. The door opened, signalling that we had arrived at our floor, and we all walked down the hallway looking for our room number.

Sadie took the key out of her pocket when we located our door, and tapped the lock. She held the door for us as we walked in.

This room was huge. 

My parents always got the penthouse suite, because stars need luxury or whatever it is they say. The only thing that's convenient about a penthouse suite is the amount of extra space there is for when our stylists and makeup teams come in. Other than that, I'd be happy having a regular room.

"Okay guys, there's two bedrooms," Caleb announced, "Sadie, Gaten and I will take the left room."

"Cool, so Millie and Finn and I will take the right," Noah replied, and I nodded.

I walked in to the bedroom where there were two queen sized beds.

"Uh guys do you have only two beds on your side?" I called over to the other kids.

"Yeah, you?" Gaten called back.


"I'll sleep with you, Gaten," Caleb said.

"Oh, thanks guys," Sadie said, which the boys replied no problem.

"Okay, the teams will be here any moment now," I announced, "So be ready for them."

As if on queue, someone knocked at the door. I walked over and opened it, revealing my team.

"Hello Millie!" my makeup artist greeted with a smile.

"Hi guys!" I replied excitedly, "Ready to get started?"


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