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Millie's POV:

"You didn't have to, you know," I smiled up at the curly haired boy on my doorstep.

"Of course I had to," Finn replied sweetly, "Paige had to stay to help clean up."

"Well, tell your mom thank you for me, please," I asked, taking his hands in mine.

"Yeah, for sure," Finn said softly. His eyes darted down to my lips, then back to my eyes with a knowing look. He reached his index finger under my chin to point my head up to angle at his.

I raised up on my tip toes, closing my eyes gently as our lips connected. After a moment, I stepped backwards, then released his hands from mine to give him a small wave goodbye.

"Night Finnie," I said quietly.

"Night Mills," he replied, then winked which made him smirk bashfully. I felt myself blush a bit too, and gave him one last smile before turning to go inside.


Lilia's and Maddie's faces were pressed up against the entryway window, their mouths wide open in shock.

I rolled my eyes, then opened the door to go inside.

"MILLIE!" Lilia screamed in my face, wide-eyed.

"What?" I shrugged.

"You fucking kissed, that's what!" Maddie exclaimed.

"He's my boyfriend. Couples are allowed to kiss, you know," I returned, a hint of annoyance in my voice as I started toward the kitchen.

"Oh come on Mills, we're sorry," Lilia apologized, the two girls running on my tail.

"It's okay, I guess we haven't really done any of that stuff around you guys," I sighed, ending with a gentle smile, then turned to the fridge.

"You guys are friggin' adorable though," Maddie giggled, taking her seat at the kitchen island.

I grabbed a large container of cream cheese frosting from the fridge and placed it on the counter.


"I'll get it," I informed the girls, then started towards the front door.

"And the way he put his finger under your chin to pull you in," Lilia added dreamily, sitting down beside Maddie, her voice fading off as I neared the door.

"SADIE!" I yelled in the red head's face, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Millie, I saw you like, an hour ago," she laughed, making me laugh too before pulling away.

"I know, but I missed you," I said honestly. I love her so much.

"Where's my girl?" I heard Maddie say from behind me.

"Maddie!" Sadie exclaimed, then the two shared a quick hug. Maddie took Sadie's duffle bag from over her shoulder, and ran it upstairs to my room for her.

"Sadie?" a quiet blonde whispered from the archway to the kitchen.

"Lilia?" Sadie squinted, then widened her eyes when she realized it was really her. Without words, Lilia and Sadie collided into a powerful hug. It looked like they weren't going to let go forever.

"I missed you so much," Lilia mumbled softly to Sadie, still keeping her in a tight hug.

"Me too," Sadie matched her tone, burying her face into Lilia's shoulder. The two swayed side to side in harmony.

Back when Sadie was having problems with her dad right before filming for season three started, Lilia really stepped in. I was so busy filming, that I couldn't really sit down and talk with her due to our scheduling. 

When Lilia was around, Sadie had someone to talk to. At first, they were pretty much strangers, and then they developed this really sweet bond with one another. Lilia and Sadie can talk for hours, and they genuinely love each other.

"Sadie, there's icing in the kitchen!" Maddie exclaimed, sprinting down the stairs and nearly falling on her face.

"Careful!" I warned as the three girls ran to the kitchen. I followed them, laughing at the whole thing, and tossed a spatula over to the girls, and one for myself as well. 

"Dig in ladies," I chuckled, scooping up some frosting.

"Best night ever!" Lilia exclaimed, making us giggle.

"Oh Lilia, you have some icing on your nose," Sadie giggled, then reached her hand up to wipe the white frosting from Lilia's nose.

I could have sworn I saw them blush...

"Guys, I'm tired," I said honestly.

"No! We haven't even done anything yet! Do you want this to be a lame-ass sleepover?" Maddie asked.

"No," Sadie said quietly.

"Do you want to have fun?" Maddie called out like a drill sergeant, standing from her stool as the rest of us filed into a line in front of her.

"Yes!" we replied in unison.


"YES!" we screamed back at her, wild grins on all of our faces.

"THEN LET'S GO DANCE, LADIES!" Maddie grabbed her phone, then led us out the front door. I turned the outside light on so our makeshift 'stage' was lit to perfection.


Many Instagram videos and Spice Girls songs later, the four of us were all lying down on my bed, totally exhausted.

"That was so fun!" Maddie exclaimed, somehow still having energy.

"I wanna go to bed," Lilia groaned.

"Me too," Sadie added.

"Me three," I piped up.

"Y'all don't know how to have a sleepover, do you?" Maddie criticized, jokingly of course.

"Mads, we danced with you and had fun, what more do you want?" Lilia sighed.

"Fine, I guess we can go to bed," Maddie said softly, turning off the bedside light near her. I did the same with mine. I cuddled up to Maddie, and Lilia and Sadie cuddled up together.

"Night Lils. Night Sadie. Night Mads," I whispered into the dark silence.

"Night Mills," they replied with perfect synchronisity.

I heard all of their breathing even out, meaning they had all fallen asleep. 

I love having these girls over. Whether we're talking about school, or boys, or life in general, we can all trust each other with anything. They mean the world to me, and it's nice to have such a close knit group of girls who all started as separate friends of mine, and are now all together.

It's a nice feeling.

I closed my eyelids heavily, and within seconds, drifted into a dreamless sleep.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update: the next chapter is almost done, but I needed a filler chapter in order for things to work out.

I hope you enjoyed this, I love writing the girls in. 

All for now,

- Kate

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