Chapter 4 - The Truth

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My eyes open with a start hearing a loud bang downstairs. I sit up quickly. I look at my mate who is still sleeping soundly in the bed. Knowing someone is after her has made me even more determined to keep her safe. I quietly creep out of the room and collide with my Beta Alex. "You heard it too?" I ask him. He nods at me and we carefully start to walk down the stairs in order to determine where the noise came from. It's late; there shouldn't be anyone awake, unless they needed a drink. We walk into the living room and cannot see anyone there, until something brushes past our feet. Both of us stand back to back, it could be multiple enemies. I let out a warning growl to whoever is out there, no answer. There is only darkness.


I open my eyes to see complete darkness. I check the time and it is 1am. As I roll over to go back to sleep I notice Logan is missing. 'Where could he be?' I think to myself. I notice our door has been left open so he must have left the room. Or someone came in. I exit the bedroom and make my way downstairs. I'm still tired so I wipe my eyes to try and wake up a little bit. "Logan?" I shout.


As I'm looking into the darkness, for whatever is in here, I hear my mate. She's close and calling my name. "Molly, sweetheart I need you to listen to me. Go back upstairs to the bedroom. Do it for me please" I say.


Logan tells me to go upstairs, that only means one thing. Something bad is here. I feel something brush against my legs and I scream. Logan is suddenly by my side. "Are you alright?" he asks. I just look at him. "Something touched me" I whisper. I move to turn on the lights, knowing we need to see the danger no matter how good our werewolf senses are. Molly something doesn't feel right. I think we need to get out of here. Now! Maya shouts at me. I turn the light on, only to come face to face with a strange man; standing right in front of me. I scream and Logan pushes me behind him. Several members of the pack flood down the stairs, not to protect their Alpha; but to protect me, their Luna. I'm shoved to the back, away from the man, where it is safe. But they were wrong this time. A hand clamps over my mouth and starts dragging me away into the darkness muffling my screams. I kick out and manage to land it on the Beta; he turns around to see what hit him and sees me being dragged away. "LOGAN!" He screams as he comes towards me.

I see Logan snap his head toward me and his eyes go black, meaning his wolf is in control. He looks so scary. He runs towards me shifting and diving towards the guy holding me. The guy lets go of me and shoves me to the floor and I see Logan attacking the man who also shifted into a wolf. The Beta helps me to my feet as I watch Logan fighting. I want to help him. 'Maya, we need to help him' I say to her. Let's do this! She says. I push the Beta away; and let Maya take over, shifting my body into my pure white wolf. Everyone gasps, have they never seen a white wolf before?

I stalk towards the wolf, and once Logan has stopped attacking for a brief moment, I lunge. I pounce on the back of the wolf digging my teeth into its neck and trying to pin the wolf down. I see Logan, or rather his wolf, dive towards the wolf. He grabs it by the base of the neck and snaps its neck instantly. I growl lowly at the other man that the Beta is holding. Logan shifts back and quickly gets dressed. "Put him in a cell!" Logan snarls. He places my clothes in Mayas mouth and we run to the bathroom to get changed. "Good job Maya" I say praising her. We did a good job, not just me she says. I walk back out to Logan; he has a couple of cuts that I can see. I run and wrap my arms around him. "I was so scared you would get hurt" I say as the tears start to slowly fall down my cheeks.

"I'm fine sweetheart. I love you". He says. I look at him in shock but then I smile.

"And I love you" I whisper back.

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