Chapter 1 - A new place to call home?

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The faint sound of my alarm clock was enough to stir me from my sleep. I groggily open my eyes and groan when I see the time. It is 7:30am and I have to get ready for my first day at the new school. I throw back my covers and climb out of my bed. I take a quick look at my room; it still smells of fresh paint. The dark red colour matches my mood. I have a quick shower before climbing out and drying myself off. I get changed into my black skinny jeans, black top and my black leather jacket. I dry my hair quickly before pulling my boots on and heading downstairs. Looking at the empty dining table brings back memories of when all my family would sit and eat breakfast together. I hadn't spoken to my brothers in five years for fear that their safety would be jeopardized. I walk out of the house and quickly walk until I see the new school building. I hate being the new girl, especially seen as I am already a very shy person. Once inside the school doors I am engulfed with the smell of werewolves mixed in with humans. I am in deep trouble. I have to contact my brother, just in case I never see them again. I knew I had to get out of there so I quickly turn around and run out of the school doors before I crash into a solid body. I look and see a man standing there. He growls at me making me take a step back. If I fight him I am already dead. "ROGUE!" he yells. Suddenly several faces turn to stare at me. Oh crap! I make a run for the woods with several students chasing after me. I take quick glance behind me and see that they are catching up fast. I shift as quickly as possible. I feel my white fur sprout from my body and my bones crack painfully. I feel by body tremble as the transformation completes. I bolt through the trees as fast as my wolf form can take me.

Maya I need you to hurry up they are gaining on us I scream.

I'm going as fast as I can she shouts.

Suddenly I am crashing into the ground with a heavy body on top of me. I look up to see a pure black wolf pinning me down. I didn't dare look into his eyes. His snarl made me whimper in fear. I knew he was an Alpha because he has this much power over me. He turns back into his human form and yanks a pair of shorts on. "SHIFT!" He snarls at me. I whimper backwards but have to do what he says. I stand naked in my human form and cover up as much as possible.

"What are you doing on my land rogue!?" He yells. I keep my mouth shut; I cannot afford to say anything wrong right now. I would rather die than risk telling him anything. When he realises I am not going to answer him I hear his footsteps walk towards me. I glance up and see him making his way towards me, I quickly take several steps backward but he is faster, and slams me into a tree. He growls in my face and I whimper. I'm terrified. I don't want to die here. "Look at me!" he orders. I don't want to but I have to obey and Alphas order. So I look up into the piercing blue eyes that meet mine. I feel the connection instantly.

"Mate!" We both whisper. He quickly covers my body with his own and yells to hit Beta. "Get her some clothes". The Beta disappears, a few minutes later he reappears with clothes in hand. I change quickly to save myself from further embarrassment. The Alpha looks at me and he reaches his arm to grip my hand but I cower back in fear. He looks a little shocked but he understands. He allows anther she-wolf to watch over me. "I'm Sarah, what's your name?" she asks.

"I'm... I'm Molly" I whisper back. She smiles at me. The whole journey to wherever we were going I kept my head and eyes down. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. Sarah kept trying to start up a conversation but eventually stopped when I refused to answer. After what felt like a lifetime we came across a large mansion. Actually, it was more like three mansions put together. I gasp as the size of the place and before I realise what I am doing I am engulfed in those piercing blue eyes, I quickly look down and keep walking. I reach the stairs and I know I need to make contact with my brothers. They are the only ones who can get me out of this mess. I look around me, the Alpha and Sarah are ahead of me and I cannot see anyone else. I turn around and bolt back the way I came, I hear a low growl coming from behind me. I hear footsteps gaining on me but I keep running. I shriek as I am tackled to the ground, I hear a growl on top of me and it sends shivers down my spine. I am pulled back up to face my mate and he starts yelling at me.

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