Chapter 7 - Father

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'What's that noise, it's distant, I can barely make out who it is' I think to myself. The muffled voices getting closer to me, I can feel their presence next to mine, but why can't I hear them. What happened?

'The stranger, he did this' I can only hear the sound of my own thoughts. The muffled voices are slowly becoming clear, but I still can't make out who it is.

'Think Molly, you have to wake up. Get up. NOW!'

My eyes snap open and my body jumps into a seated position. I can feel my heart beating, pounding out of my chest. My eyes are blurred, I can't see a thing. I can faintly hear the sound of people yelling, a hand is placed on my shoulder, the other grabbing my face and forcing me to look at them. Slowly the fog clears up, it's him, my mate.

"Molly, come on love please snap out of it, you are fine. Come on, get up!" It sounds so quiet, but I can tell he's yelling at me. I need to snap out of this, he starts pointing towards something. I look over to what he's showing me. My eyes widen in shock, his beta Silas has his hand wrapped around the stranger's throat, slowly killing him. I begin to pick myself up off the floor, Logan helps me stand up straight. My hearing has finally come back, I hear everything.

'Maya? Are you alright? What the hell happened?' I ask my wolf, hoping she isn't hurt.

'I'm alright, perfect actually. I'm not hurt, are you alright? You took a pretty big beating. I don't know how he did it but the stranger, he just made you stop breathing. All he did was look at you, I don't know what magic he holds but it looks to be dangerous but temporary. He hasn't been able to do anything since trying to kill you. Silas will kill him if you don't stop him. We can get information, we have too' She says.

I immediately snap my attention back onto Silas, I have to stop him.

"Enough! Don't kill him, we need his information" I yell to Silas. He whips his head round and sees me standing, a low growl erupting from his throat before he slowly nods his head and loosens his grip around the stranger's neck. He puts the man to his knees so that I can come closer, warily I take slow steps forward before stopping in front of him. Silas forces the man to look at me. I look into those pitch black eyes, I can feel him... Sam.

I immediately take two steps back. My heart begins to race, I try to control my breathing but it becomes difficult. A smirk emerges on the stranger's face.

'Molly... how did he find us, we've always covered our trail. This is impossible, unless... Brandon. He told him' Maya says.

'He'll kill us all if he finds me, we must be cautious Maya'

Laughing brings me out of my conversation with Maya. I look at the stranger, he's laughing. He knows exactly what has happened here. A low growl comes from my throat, I know Maya is attempting to take over, and this time I want her too.

My eyes shift to dark purple as she pushes herself to the front.

"I will ask you this question once filth, how did he find us?" She snarls. I can feel everyone's gaze shift to us, not expecting her to come with such venom. When she is mad she shows it. The stranger's face turns from laughter to worry.

"How did you switch, that's not possible. Your wolf cannot just take over in an instant. He. Will. Kill. You" he says menacingly.

"Clearly he did not fill you in very well, I am the white wolf. The only one in existence, my bond with Molly is unlike anyone else's. You will tell me how he found me, otherwise your life is void" She snaps.

He flinches back in fear, a slight tremble begins to appear. I can feel Maya begin to smirk as the stranger shows fear.

"The boy, he told him he knew where you were. He has been following you for months so he can report back to him. Your father wants you home, and he will have you back, willingly or not. You already know this, you knew you would easily be betrayed. Your friends, that stupid mate of yours will be killed if you keep disobeying him. I suggest you go, now... I will tell him you're here" he says slowly chuckling.

Maya is getting angry, I can feel it. A light feel of electricity is in the air, where is it coming from? Could it be from him? Suddenly everyone is thrown at different angles away from him. Maya quickly balances to stop getting hurt, her head snaps to the stranger who is now standing, staring.

"This is your last warning Molly, return home or else your life will be forfeit" He says threateningly. A flash of light and he is gone. Maya looks around in shock, how did he do that?

'Maya... how in the actual hell did he do that? What the... it isn't safe here anymore... but I can't leave Logan. We must warn my brother's" I whisper.

She slowly shifts back and I take over again. A sigh of relief leaves my body as the stress leaves my body... temporarily. A hand on my lower back gets my attention, I turn around and see Logan looking at me with a concerned look on his face. I sink into his chest and just feel the soft sparks and warmth of his body embrace my own.



Her soft embrace and the relaxation coursing through her body is the only reason I am not questing what the hell just happened. I look at my beta and mind link.

'Silas, can you prepare a hot bath with some relaxation salts in there, it may help her to keep relaxed for now. I will question her about what happened later'

He nods his head before disappearing to do as I asked. I slowly rub circles around my love's back before gently scooping her into my arms. I can feel my wolf niggling at the back of my mind.

'Xavier what is it? You have been pacing in my mind for a while now' I think.

I can feel him growling inside of my head. I roll my eyes.

'We need to question her now! At least her wolf, we shouldn't delay. Anything could be vital. If they're going to hurt her then we need to kill them first. I will not let her die Logan' He yells.

I sigh, knowing this will likely be a long night. I carry her up to the bathroom where she can relax, she needs it after all of that. 'Xavier, let her have tonight. At least her human form, if you wish to talk to her wolf and she doesn't mind then go for it. But let her human side rest' I say. Xavier huff in agreement.

Molly is staring at me as place her down in the bathroom, she waves her hand for me to leave. I roll my eyes but don't want to be seen as pushy so I leave.



Logan has left, leaving me in peace to take a long soak in the bath. It smells wonderful; like a beautiful day at the coast. I slowly undress and put my clothes to the side, after checking the temperature I climb in and ease myself slowly into the bath so the water rises above my shoulder. A sigh slowly escapes my mouth as I find my relaxation begins to rise.

My muscles slowly begin to relax and I sink slightly deeper and just bathe in the warmth letting the smells take me to a better place. A memory.


My eyes slowly drift open and I see I'm staring at the top of a gazebo. I slowly push myself to sit up and feel the coastline breeze flow through my long hair. I breathe in the fresh air and smile. I'm home. I jump up and start heading towards the ocean when I hear laughing in the distance. I turn to my left and see them... my family. I start running, as fast as my legs can go. I need to get to them, my mother turns to look at waves to me, beckoning me to join them. I run faster and as soon as I reach them I jump into her arms and hug her as tight as possible with tears slowly falling down my cheeks.

"Molly, darling what's wrong? Why are you crying? I thought you would be happy to be here" she says in my ear. I lift up my head to look at her and nod.

"I am so happy mum, I'm just so glad I can see you again" I whisper. She looks at me with confusion, and so do my brothers. Of course they don' t understand, this is a memory... This is before everything. I just wanted her back, so badly.

I close my eyes tight, before reopening them again and seeing they are further away than before. Slowly moving further back. No, the memory is fading! I run.. I run as fast as I can trying to catch up but it is fading too fast.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I scream as I desperately reach out to her, I fall into a white abyss.

My eyes fly open and I hurl myself out of the water I was sinking into taking deep shaky breaths. A knock on the door distracts me, it's Logan...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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