Chapter 7 - The Dream

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Chapter 7 – The Dream


I am walking through a forest, my bare feet feeling cold from the forest floor. A shiver runs down my body as the cool breeze hits me. I take in my surroundings, trying to figure out where I am. I recognise this place, but I cannot remember where I have seen it. It feels so familiar; like I spent a lot of my time here, but if that was true, I would know where I have seen this place. I continue walking, trying to keep as much warmth as I can. The forest is silent except for the crunching of leaves beneath my feet. There is not even a single bird, nothing. Just complete silence, it's rather frightening. As I continue to walk, I see something in the distance, I cannot make out what it is. As I move closer it looks as though it could be some kind of tree house. It looks like a good place where I can rest for a while, maybe try and get warm. As I reach the tree, I instantly feel a pang of sadness as I recognise this place, this is the tree house where my brothers and I used to play and spend some quality time together. I quickly begin the climb to the top of tree; I need to get into the house. I have too. As I am climbing, I lose my grip slightly and begin to fall, but I am grabbed by something. I look up instantly to see a hand holding mine, I look to see a familiar face staring back at me.

"Nikolai?" I question. He smiles and helps pull me up the rest of the tree to the small house. He helps me inside and beckons me to sit near the fire. As I begin to warm up I decide to question him.

"Nikolai, what are you doing here? How did I get here?" He looks at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Sister, this is all a dream. I brought you here. I needed to talk to you without that interfering mate of yours" He says. I nod in understanding and wait for him to continue with what he needs to say.

"As you already know, Brandon is coming for you. He wants you and will stop at nothing to get to you. My only job is to protect you, and I cannot do that with your mate being in the way. So the choice is simple. You can stay with your mate, but I will not be leaving this territory. I don't care if your mate likes it or not. You are my sister and I will not leave you unprotected against Brandon"

"But Nikolai, you already know full well that Logan is not going to allow you to stay here. You are a rival Alpha, he cannot risk it. Plus you already have a pack of your own; you cannot abandon them just because you want to protect me. I will be safe here brother, I promise you that if I need you I will call you. Please understand, you already know Logan will not let you stay here, so please return to your pack. They need you more than I do right now Nikolai. I promise I will call you everyday alright." I tell him.

He sighs, knowing that what I say is true. He nods at me before engulfing me in his warm embrace. We stand there for a few moments; even knowing this is not real, it still hurts thinking that this will be one of the last hugs I will receive from him.

"Now, return into deep sleep, and I will see you when you awake sister" He whispers as his body and the tree house begin to fade away as my body returns into a peaceful sleep.

Next Morning

I wake up abruptly, hearing a lot of shouting coming from downstairs. I groan out loud and turn over to look for Logan, only to see he is not there and the bed cold. Hearing the shouting getting louder I decide to go see what all the fuss. I quickly get changed into a pair of leggings and a shirt before quickly making my way down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Logan and my brothers having a shouting match across the counter. Logan has his pack ready to fight and my brothers are all the same. I cross my arms over my chest and clear my throat to get their attention, everyone instantly snaps their head to look at me.

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