Chapter 5 - He Found Me

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The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the day is wonderful. "Maya needs to shift; she's getting a little agitated" I say. He nods at me and gives me permission. I take my shoes off and as I am about to shift Maya screams at me. 'Molly... He's here! RUN!' Everything turns into slow motion for a brief moment, and I see him standing there... standing at the edge of the woods. I back up straight into Cassandra who grabs my arm to stop me from falling. "What is it? What's wrong?" she asks me. Logan looks at me and sees how scared I look. He is suddenly in front of me grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. "What's wrong?" he asks. I don't even look at him; I keep looking around him just looking for Brandon. I shove his hands off me and I am filled with rage. Or rather Maya fills me with rage. She rips me apart and forces the shift on me, it is so painful. She launches towards Brandon who immediately makes a run for it. She is gaining speed and I'm feeling the pain of the shift because it was so violent. Maya stop you're hurting me! I shout at her. She growls in anger and continues running, ignoring my pleas. I have to talk to Logan.

"Logan, I hope you can hear me but Maya has gone crazy. She's going to kill Brandon. She cannot do it on her own and I am injured. When she shifted it was so violent and now I am hurt. You have to stop her no matter what" I beg.

"Molly I can hear you, how bad are you injured? I will stop her don't worry". He says.

"Just stop her, we can deal with me later" I shout. Maya has lost Brandon, she cannot find him. Good. Suddenly we are tackled by Logan or rather his wolf, who I still haven't officially met yet. I'll let Logan know about that later. He is on top of us, pinning us down by the neck and forcing us to submit. He demands we shift and once again Maya does it violently and it hurts a lot. When I am back in human form I whimper in pain and Logan rushes to my side. I didn't even see him shift. He hoists me up into his arms and makes a run for the house; I need to see the pack doctor immediately. Running into the house we are met by the doctor who rushes me into the hospital room. Logan sets me down on the bed and the doctor speaks. "What happened?"

"Maya shifted violently, without my permission and the pain is unbearable" I say. He nods at me and immediately brings a needle out. He injects it straight into my neck and suddenly I feel my entire body relax and my eyes close as I drift off to sleep.


My eyes flutter open and the sunlight burns my eyes. I sit up gently and thankfully the pain of yesterday is gone. 'Molly, I'm so sorry for yesterday and shifting so violently. I just lost it, after everything he did to us especially you I had to get revenge. I'm sorry' she says softly.

It's alright Maya, I completely understand. He deserves whatever he gets, if you had just asked I would've let you shift. But it's alright, love you Maya. I say to her. She smiles and warmth fills me. As I turn to look at the door Logan walks in and smiles when he sees that I am awake. As I sit on the side of the bed he walks up and wraps his arms around my waist and passionately kisses me. I kiss him back just as hard. "I love you" I say between breaths.

"I love you too" he says. I remember everything that happened yesterday and the first thing I think of is that I want to meet his wolf. "I want to meet your wolf, I haven't met him yet" I say. He smiles and closes his eyes. Once reopened they are fluorescent blue.

"Hello mate, my name is Riley" he says. I flush and my face goes bright red and he just smirks at me.

"Hi" I whisper nervously. Before I know it his head is in my neck sniffing me and then he slowly starts trailing kisses up my neck. I moan softly but quickly push him off.

"Uh okay let's not do that yet" I say. He growls a little and pulls me closer to him. I shove him away again and back away. He stalks towards me and that's when I decide enough is enough. I leave the room and quickly rush downstairs towards the rest of the group. As soon as I reach them I hear the low growl behind me. I spin around and those blue eyes are glaring at me. I slowly move behind the Alex.

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