Chapter 2 - Arguing over me!

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I see my mate collapse into her brother's arms, even though it is her brother, the feeling of pure jealousy pulse through me like a second heartbeat.

"Where is the pack doctor?" I yell as my hands start to shake violently. I ball them into fists in order to try and hide my rage. Everyone shies away from me, even my Beta. I know they think that I am angry but it is just jealousy. The door opens behind me and I turn around and see the pack doctor walking towards me.

"What happened?" he asks urgently. I sigh and shake my head.

"I really have no idea, she felt a really bad pain in her side and then she collapsed. Please help my mate doc, I need her." He nods at me with understanding. He walks over to my mate and quickly begins to inspect her; he goes to lift her shirt up when her brother snarls at him.

"Easy, he is trying to help her jackass!" I yell. I earn a snarl from but then the pack doctor continues to proceed looking at my beautiful mate. He rolls her shirt up and what I see drives my wolf completely crazy. Bruises, not just any bruises. Big, dark purple bruises covering her entire side. My wolf and I both growl, it is too late. My wolf was in complete control. I instantly shift and my black wolf growls in pure rage. The pack doctor moves away just in time for me to leap onto the bed and cover my mate; shielding her from danger. Everyone slowly backs away from my wolf and I.

"Alpha you need to calm down, this isn't going to help get your mate the help she needs and the pack doctor cannot do anything with you protecting her!" My Beta says. I growl at him and he bows his head in submission. Mate... protect mate was all my wolf was saying to me, we had to protect her. I see her brother try and move her away from me but I snarl viciously at him and he snarls right back at me. My wolf does not condone this type of disrespect and charges at him. Her brother jumps out of the way and changes into his midnight blue wolf, same size as me, good challenge. We engage in a full blown battle in my bedroom and I wrap my teeth around his neck and slam him into the ground, as quickly as this happens he reverses our position and I am suddenly pinned. I buck and he is thrown into the wall, I quickly wrap my teeth around his throat and go in for the kill when I hear someone scream and then I feel a fist connect with my face. I snarl at the person and my eyes connect with theirs.


My eyes flutter open to see the bedroom I was previously in trashed and two wolves fighting; I instantly recognise both of them. My... mate has my brother pinned by the throat and I know he is going to kill him so I do the only thing I can do. I scream as loud as I possibly can and run at him. I throw my fist into the side of the wolves face and his head snaps round and he snarls at me, viciously if I might add. His eyes connect with mine and I can see that his wolf is in control, mate or not, he will not tolerate being disrespected. I watch as he takes steps towards me and I immediately take steps back and hold my hands out making sure he cannot get any closer to me. I close my eyes bracing for the attack. I feel his muzzle press against my hands and I open my eyes to see him nuzzling my hands. I pull back from him, he tried to kill my brother, and I cannot forgive him for that. He tilts his head in a confused manner and I turn away and walk toward my brother. I bend down to his level and stroke his muzzle.

"Are you alright?" I ask him. He nods at me and he shifts back into his human form. Jake throws him a pair of shorts which he quickly pulls on. As soon as he is dressed he pulls me behind him and stands in front of me protectively, my other four brothers do the same as well as my best friend. I see my mate shift into his human form and I look away.

"You can look now love" I hear someone say. I look and my mate is grinning at me. I feel myself blush and look down at the ground shuffling my feet, I hear him chuckle. I look up and glare at him.

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