Chapter Six

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"Is he awake yet?" Kastor asked as Dante entered the kitchen, buttoning up a clean, not bloodstained, white shirt.

"No, not that I can hear," Dante perched on the stool at the breakfast bar, watching his son frown at a cookbook, "you don't need to make him a three-course meal, Kas."

"I think he will be hungry when he wakes, El was, and I read that being in that level of pain drains energy, you need to replenish it," Kastor murmured as he flipped the page.

"Eloise had been tortured, we didn't know the last time she had eaten. Fionn was only shot."

"And strangled," Kastor added with a sympathetic smile that bared the tips of his fangs. They weren't of the same length as Dante's, then again, he had walked the earth much longer than his son, there were many differences between the two. Kastor flinched as the blade he was using sliced into the tip of his finger, watching the blood ooze sullenly from the wound.

"Maybe you should choose catering as your next degree, if we are to have so many wolves in this house, it would prevent you injuring yourself so often," Dante murmured, barely even noticing the savoury, metallic smell of his son's blood. He would heal in a few seconds, the cut had barely broken more than a few layers of skin. Glancing over his shoulder, Dante sighed and rose to his feet.

"He's waking, I should go explain what happened," Kastor nodded, cleaning the chopping board and blade.

"Are you going to tell him, father?" Dante stopped in the doorway, his icy glare set on the staircase before him.

"Not yet, he will think I'm insane."

"You're going to tell him at some point though, right? You can't keep this to yourself forever, father," Dante didn't bother to answer, it felt as though he had had that exact same conversation with Kastor a thousand times over in the past few months. Instead, he took to the stairs, walking up the deep red carpet and running his fingertips over the varnished dark oak of the bannister like he always did.

He could hear Fionn's breathing pick up, becoming ever so slightly more erratic the closer he got to consciousness. He thought it best to be there with him when he awoke fully, he didn't want him agitated, he would likely break something then and many items Dante owned were irreplaceable.

He didn't bother to knock on the door to one of the guest rooms, instead just walking in and closing it behind him. Kastor would still be able to hear every word they spoke with ease but the sound of the door closing symbolised a need for privacy in their house, Dante knew his son would try his best to ignore the conversations he had.

Fionn was in the same position Dante had left him in, thankfully only in the beginning stages of waking. The vampire was unsure how long it would take him to slip from unconsciousness, it had been a fair few hundred years since he had been knocked out himself. Fionn was also a wolf, he may heal faster than humans, Dante didn't know.

A few minutes passed before a soft groan drifted from Fionn's slightly parted lips and movement appeared behind his closed eyelids. Dante found it fascinating to watch him wake, he had not been present when Eloise awoke though Kastor had told him it was an odd experience.

"Dante?" Fionn's voice caught in his throat, sounded broken and husky. His eyes were fully open by that point, those bewitching gold citrine iris' trained on the vampire.

"Good evening, Fionn," Dante spoke with the same smooth tone he always did, nonchalant and deep, "do you need a drink?" though Dante had recently had an injured wolf in his home, he had not learnt much due to Kastor spending the majority of the time caring for her.

"Please," Fionn rasped, sitting up slowly with a hand on his head. Dante walked over to the dresser opposite the large bed, pouring some water from the clear pitcher into a glass. At the sound of a gasp from the wolf, Dante's attention drew to Fionn immediately.

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