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"Dante Isamar you better get that delectable ass of yours down those stairs in five seconds or I'm coming up to find you!" Fionn called from the kitchen, navigating through boxes to get to the microwave. As he retrieved the popcorn, he turned and gasped at his husband stood awfully close.

"OK, we're all getting bells for Christmas or I'm gonna have a goddamn heart attack," Dante chuckled, holding the bowl as Fionn poured the popcorn into it.

"How boring life would be if I couldn't scare you, puppy," Dante collected two bottles of blood from the fridge, shaking them and placing them in the microwave.

"If you're bored you could always start unpacking," Fionn suggested with a grin.

"Puppy, we've been here two days, the important stuff is unpacked."

"Coffee maker?" Fionn inquired, laughing as Dante tipped his head back with a groan.

"Wolf incoming!" Kastor warned as Arlo's wolf bounded through the front door, skidding into a pile of boxes by the stairs.

"I told you, you shouldn't have waxed the floor," Dante murmured with a sly smile, lifting Arlo from the debris, "you OK, little guy?" Dante chuckled as Arlo licked his face vehemently, "better yet, you should have had them put in carpet."

"If you want carpet, you hire a maid or you clean it. Wood floors are easier."

"Wood floors are easier," Dante mocked, earning a small bout of laughter from Kastor, who was stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Dante Isamar, do not mock me," Fionn took Arlo from his husband, passing him the popcorn instead, "go pick a movie whilst I get our son to change back," Fionn carried Arlo out onto the porch, glancing out into the meadow their new house stood in. Three months ago the building had been but a shell, now it was a home. Then again, Fionn had also been a shell until Dante's return.

"Come on, buddy, you can do it. Change back for me," Fionn encouraged, placing Arlo on the porch. The cub yipped, wagging it's tail as it concentrated.

"Good job, buddy!" Fionn praised, dressing Arlo in some clothes from a nearby box and carrying him inside, locking the door behind them, "picked a movie then?" Fionn queried, sitting down on the couch next to his husband. Arlo wriggled from his grip, clambering onto Kastor's back as the vampire laid on the rug, putting on some child's film that Arlo adored. Fionn smiled, resting a hand on Dante's thigh as his husband draped an arm around his shoulders.

"I think we have room for one more, puppy," Fionn regarded his husband with a bemused expression, yet Dante merely pecked his lips, "four boys in the house is too imbalanced, don't you think?" a grin spread across Fionn's face.

"You want a daughter? Are you sure? Even after Wym?"

"Wym was a long time ago, I'm a different person now. And I've always told you, puppy, I want a big family," Fionn pressed a compassionate kiss on his husband's lips, "I want a little girl with long blonde hair and freckles and dimples when she smiles." Fionn chuckled, snuggling closer into his husband's cool chest, linking his fingers in with Dante's, feeling the warm shadows draw in around the two.

"If you can find a little girl with long blonde hair and freckles and dimples when she smiles that has no family and we can give her a better life, then you have my blessing to turn her, Dant. I always wanted a daughter."


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