Chapter Thirty-Four

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Fionn frowned at his vampire, he couldn't help it. He wasn't angry, no, which was odd. He didn't really care that Dante had bitten him as a child, or maybe it had just yet to register fully in his mind. Either way, it was a long time ago, over a millennium, there was no need for Fionn to hold it against Dante. Especially when it was clear the vampire still carried the burden.

"I forgive you," Fionn shrugged his left shoulder when Dante regarded him with a shocked expression, "did you actually expect me to hate you over this? It was a lifetime ago, I wouldn't divorce you over it or anything, Dant," Fionn brushed his lips over Dante's icy knuckles, a warm smile sat on his mouth.

"Divorced?" Alpheus growled, his volume increasing from there with every word he spoke, "divorced? Fionn, you're married to him?! You married that fucking monster?!" Alpheus had risen from his seat, his hands balled into fists and his jaw clenched. He was losing control, Fionn could feel it, his father was going to allow his beast to roam free.

"Dad, calm down. Seriously, you need to-" Fionn didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before he was pushed away from Dante. Alpheus' wolf launched itself at the vampire, growling and snarling at the being. Fionn watched in horror as Alpheus swiped his claws down Dante's right thigh, ripping the flesh to ribbons, his own head aching at the sound that tumbled from Dante's lips.

"Alpheus, stop!" Marva yelled, her own voice trembling terribly. Fionn could no longer think straight, not as his own beast tore itself from the cage it was imprisoned in. The beast lunged at Alpheus' wolf, wrenching the animal from Dante, but not before there was another swipe of his claws over the vampire's chest and another far quieter whine of pain.

Rage washed over the beast like a tidal wave, engulfing it, drowning it in hatred and fury. It wanted to tear Alpheus' wolf limb from limb, yearned to be drenched in it's blood, to know that it had taken it's last breath. The elder wolf whined and whimpered as the beast snapped at it's throat, driving it back, away from Dante, away from it's family.

The awful metallic taste of Alpheus' blood invaded the beast's mouth as it sunk it's teeth once again into the elder wolf's flesh, yet it didn't care. It didn't care for the noises the wolf was making, it didn't care that it was cowering away, it didn't even care that it's pack had assembled, petrified by the fight unfurling before them. The beast wanted them to watch, wanted them to see the consequences of an attack on it's mate.

"You disgust me!" Fionn roared, knowing full well his voice would be echoing through the mind of every wolf in his pack, "how dare you attack my mate?! My husband! You violated one of the oldest laws our kind upholds, did you really believe that just because you were my blood I would let that pass?!" the beast snarled, baring it's teeth, never taking it's glowing eyes from the injured wolf.

"He's a drainer-" Alpheus' voice was weak, maybe that meant the beast should go easy on him, should pity him, though it only seemed to fan the flames of it's fury.

"He is my husband, Alpheus! My mate! I should kill you for the act you just committed! If it were anyone else they would have already been dead!" Fionn knew he had to reign in the beast, had to force it to relinquish some control back to him, he couldn't kill his own dad. It was more difficult than the alpha had imagined. The beast was strong, much stronger than his own internal will, and it didn't want to give up. It wanted bloodshed and it wanted death.

High pitched yips and barks filled the tense atmosphere as Arlo's wolf bounded over, standing between the beast's front paws, growling as best as the young cub could. The beast tried to push the cub away, hoping to encourage it to go elsewhere but, instead, it nipped at the wolf's paw, standing it's ground with it's head held high.

"Ocie, babysitting might not be on the table for you anymore," Dante's voice sounded weary, raspy even. The beast turned, knowing Alpheus would not have the strength to launch any further attack, not when he knew his death was still impending.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Dante," Ocie apologised, lingering in the treeline near Fionn's house, "he started screaming and when I went up to check on him he turned and ran out. He's faster than he looks," the beast allowed a sorrowful whine to slip from it's lips at the sight of it's mate. Dante was leaning on Marva, stood on the porch to Fionn's house, his suit in tatters, hanging from his bloodied form.

Arlo sprinted to the injured vampire, jumping up at his left leg, thankfully, whining and whimpering. The beast followed, rubbing it's snout against Dante's cheek, licking away the blood that had spattered on it's mate's ashen skin.

"I'm fine, Fi," it was evident Dante was lying when he ran his trembling hand through the beast's raven fur. He was weak, no doubt needed blood. Though the vampire's mental state wasn't all that worried the beast, Dante would have more scars. It wasn't only the alpha's claws that left permanent marks.

"Alpheus," Fionn spoke in a much quieter tone, the rage having burned away what remained of his energy, "I banish you from this pack and this land," the beast couldn't bring itself to look at the elder wolf, for fear it may spark the outrage once again. Instead, it merely rested it's head very gently on Dante's shoulder, taking comfort in the feeling of his vampire and aware that it's cub had settled at his paws.

"If I ever see your face on this land again, or on Dante's, you will be killed on sight. You have three minutes to be off this territory," the beast counted down the seconds, drowning out all the noises around him and focusing only on the sensation of Dante's fingers woven into his fur.

"I'm so sorry, puppy, this is all my-"

"Stop," Fionn picked up a blanket from the bench and wrapped it loosely around his waist, "none of this is your fault, do not put the blame of this on yourself. It was my choice," a sigh escaped Fionn's lips as he lifted Arlo's wolf into his arms, cradling the cub, "now you need to go inside and sit down, I'll get Nya to get you some blood, I don't think I have enough to heal you completely."

Fionn didn't like when Dante wasn't awake. It worried him, he looked too much like a corpse when he slept. His chest didn't rise, no breath graced his lips, he truly did look dead.

"How is he?" Marva spoke gently, lingering in the doorway to Fionn's bedroom, holding two mugs.

"Healing, I think, I can never tell," Fionn attempted a smile as Marva passed him a coffee, sipping it slowly, "I'm sorry."

"What on earth do you have to apologize for, Fi?" Marva sat down next to Fionn on the couch, resting her hand atop his.

"I shouldn't have banished dad, I should have talked to you first. He's your husband after all."

"Sweetheart, he attacked your mate, he knew exactly what he was doing and the consequences he would receive. You made the right decision, our marriage isn't what it used to be anyway," Fionn turned his hand palm up and gave Marva's a little squeeze.

"I don't think I'm gonna miss him, mom, does that make me a bad person?"

"Of course not, Fi. Alpheus was stuck in his hatred for vampires, he was a severely negative person, he would have never accepted Dante and you're allowed to resent him for that," Fionn rested his head on his mother's shoulder, staring down into his mug of coffee.

"Fuck..." Fionn's gaze snapped to Dante as the vampire stirred, a pained grimace on his face.

"Don't move, you're still healing," Fionn perched on the bed next to Dante, slipping his warm hand into the vampire's cold one, "how are you feeling?" Dante's dull, weary eyes trained on Fionn's, lighting up just a little at the sight of his wolf's face.

"Peachy," he murmured sarcastically but Fionn cut him off before he began to apologise again, which was obvious.

"Not your fault, so don't even start," Fionn leant down, covering Dante's mouth with his own, keeping the kiss gentle so as not to incur any more pain to the vampire.

"Keep kissing me like that and I'll have to ask your mother to leave," Fionn smiled, trailing his lips along Dante's jawline.

"I love you, Dante."

"I love you too, Fi."

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