Chapter Eleven

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Pain is an odd little sensation. It varies so much. Sometimes it appears as tingles, or dull throbbing or even agonising stabs. All uncomfortable, yet some can be bearable for days and some can cause a break down in seconds.

As Fionn's mind crawled it's way out of unconsciousness, stumbling through the debris the hit to his head had caused, he was greeted by an awful pulsating type of pain in the back of his skull. With each tiny movement of his closed eyes, the pain spiked up, further agitating the wolf.

"Fuck..." Fionn groaned, squinting at the bright light that burned into his corneas and just added to his headache. He was laying on something soft, no longer in Dante's kitchen, what the hell had happened?

Dante had gone to call Kastor and Fionn had heard something outside the kitchen. If he had been in his own house, he wouldn't have bothered to check, but being at Dante's, his instincts kicked in. And that had got him hit over the back of the head with something when he had gone into the hallway. Great.

With the majority of his sight back, Fionn sat up, glancing down at the suit jacket that had been laid over his chest. Dante's suit jacket. His eyes flickered around the room, with its stark white walls and black carpet, until they landed on the vampire in the corner.

He was stood casually, his red cinnabar eyes glowering unintentionally at Fionn, leaning back with his arms folded over his chest. There were light bags under his eyes and his skin was much paler than usual.

"How's your head?" he asked, walking closer to Fionn slowly.

"Hurts," he murmured, wincing as his fingers brushed over the gash.

"I would heal you but I'm still weak. I don't know if I could resist your blood right now," Dante perched at the foot of the bed.

"Where are we? What happened?" Fionn glanced around the room once again, retaining more of the details that time. The room was a perfect square, with what looked like cameras in each corner. There was a door on the far left wall that was no doubt locked and another on the opposite wall that was slightly ajar. The only furniture in the room was a rocking chair, white, and the double bed Fionn was laid on.

"I found you knocked out. Because I'm still weak my senses are dulled. I'm not as strong or fast and I can't see or hear as well. Hence how they managed to subdue me. And I believe they have plumeria and probably wolfsbane in the walls."

"What's through there?" Fionn pointed at the partially open door to his right.

"A bathroom. Looks to be no cameras but I doubt the hunters care for our dignity."

"Hunters? How do you know?" Dante shrugged pitifully.

"Who else would want to take a white wolf and a vampire? And who else would have the manpower or capabilities to do so?"

"What about Ka-" Fionn was cut off by Dante's hand clamped over his mouth.

"Do not mention family. Mine or yours," Dante said in the lowest voice that Fionn could still hear, "do not mention names from your pack or my coven. They will not be brought into this. Understand?" Fionn nodded, with what little movement didn't cause more pain, and Dante sat back.

"How are you?" Dante frowned at Fionn's question.

"There's no need to worry about me. I may be weak but I still have control and I'm not going to bite you."

"That's not what I meant, Dante. You just went through an addiction, I would like to know how you're feeling since we're stuck in a 20-foot by 20-foot room together for God knows how long," Dante broke the eye contact with Fionn, remaining silent, "so not too good then? Is there anything I can do to help?"

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